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Animal Crossing: Wild World Characters

Here are the pictures & names of all the characters available in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Characters that visit or live in all villages will have their names in Blue. To view the characters on the old template, click here.

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Agent S
Birthday: July 2nd
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: sidekick
Personality: Peppy
Species: Chipmunk
Picture Inscription: "I'm gonna, like, save the world!"
Birthday: June 9th
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: it's a me
Personality: Lazy
Species: Alligator
Picture Inscription: "We're friends, so I won't gnaw on your legs, even though I'm starving."
Birthday: August 19th
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: guvnor
Personality: Normal
Species: Koala
Picture Inscription: "I like having you around."
Birthday: November 8th
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: graaagh
Personality: Snooty
Species: Alligator
Picture Inscription: "The most important parts of any ensemble are the purse and shoes."
Birthday: November 19th
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: eaglet
Personality: Snooty
Species: Eagle
Picture Inscription: "Pampering yourself is as important as food, water, and shelter!"
Birthday: February 16th
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: snorty
Personality: Peppy
Species: Anteater
Picture Inscription: "I'll remember you even when I'm famous!"
Birthday: March 4th
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: chuurp
Personality: Lazy
Species: Bird
Picture Inscription: "I'm hungry."
Birthday: April 30th
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: macmoo
Personality: Cranky
Species: Bull
Picture Inscription: "Even strong men cry."
Birthday: October 20th
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: honk
Personality: Jock
Species: Anteater
Picture Inscription: "Always go for the burn!"
Birthday: July 4th
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: pah
Personality: Cranky
Species: Eagle
Picture Inscription: "I'm not bald! I've just got fine feathers, that's all!"
Birthday: January 27th
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: b-b-baby
Personality: Normal
Species: Penguin
Picture Inscription: "Just keep your cool."
Birthday: March 28th
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: daahling
Personality: Snooty
Species: Sheep
Picture Inscription: "I'm so soft that I don't even need a pillow!"
Birthday: December 2nd
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: eeks
Personality: Peppy
Species: Mouse
Picture Inscription: "Would you like my autograph?"
Birthday: October 10th
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: uh-hoo
Personality: Lazy
Species: Chicken
Picture Inscription: "Bok bok bok?! Just kidding. A huh huh huh!"
Big Top
Birthday: October 3rd
Gender: Male
Catchphrase: villain
Personality: Lazy
Species: Elephant
Picture Inscription: "World domination!"


Special thanks to the following users for working on the animal picture inscriptions: 33nick33, Aabattery, Abrecan, AC223, AgentS, AnnimalCrosserer, Araknidkid, Astuto, BeansDooma, CokeClassic, Crasyandconfused, CrazyH, Dawi, Diggeh, Disneyguy, Emunator, Gandalfl0, Homesliceme, Ihaveatoe623, Isawananimalcrossing, Katon, Kini, KK_Slider, Koebi, Komodo396, lil_poohbear, Liquefy, MentalReject, Mkkmypet, Moose, Mr._Action, Mynameismyown, N64iac, Nellie, Ollo, Pandy, Pangofan, Patta, PixelTwist, Rabies, Ravage, Rjxshadow, Rocky23, Sba Sb3002, Shenny, Smithy93, Sparklesfantastic, The Mighty Charizard20, The_Seventh_Sage, Traipez, Tuba, Turtleky00212, Xenon. Special thanks to the following users for working on the animal birthdays: 33nick33, Aabattery, Abrecan, AC223, AgentS, AnnimalCrosserer, Araknidkid, Astuto, BeansDooma, CokeClassic, Crasyandconfused, CrazyH, Dawi, Diggeh, Disneyguy, Emunator, Gandalfl0, Homesliceme, Ihaveatoe623, Isawananimalcrossing, Katon, Kini, KK_Slider, Koebi, Komodo396, lil_poohbear, Liquefy, MentalReject, Mkkmypet, Moose, Mr._Action, Mynameismyown, N64iac, Nellie, Ollo, Pandy, Pangofan, Patta, PixelTwist, Rabies, Ravage, Rjxshadow, Rocky23, Sba Sb3002, Shenny, Smithy93, Sparklesfantastic, The Mighty Charizard20, The_Seventh_Sage, Traipez, Tuba, Turtleky00212, Xenon.

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