Animal Crossing Characters
Ace to
Cesar | Cheri to Genji | Goldie to Maple | Marcy to Quetzal | Rasher to Truffles | Tutu to Zoe
Here are the pictures & names of all the characters available in Animal
Crossing. Villagers who can only be found living on the Animal Island
will have their names in Red.
Characters that visit or live in all villages will have their names in
Blue. Hold your mouse over a character to see their catchphrase.
Cheri to Genji |
Cheri |
Chevre |
Chico |
Chief |
Chip |
Chow |
Chuck |
Claude |
Cleo |
Cobb |
Coco |
Cookie |
Copper |
Cousteau |
Cube |
Cupcake |
Curly |
Cyrano |
Daisy |
Deena |
Derwin |
Dizzy |
Dobie |
Doc |
Don Resetti |
Dora |
Dotty |
Dozer |
Drift |
Ed |
Egbert |
Elina |
Ellie |
Elmer |
Eloise |
Emerald |
Eunice |
Faith |
Fang |
Farley |
Filbert |
Flash |
Flossie |
Franklin |
Freckles |
Freya |
Friga |
Gabi |
Gaston |
Genji |