Nick's Diaries
Let me start this off saying, the first time I loaded up the game, I ended up being unable to finish Tanuki's tasks. It erred out. You may think this is a bad thing, but it is not. In that first attempt, Villa village (the town I just moved into) was full of pigs!! I hate pigs, well, except for the one named Pork. I like him, he sounds edible. Anyways, back to the real story.
Day 1, 6:05am
My train pulled into the station at Villa village at 6:05am exactly. Right on schedule. I was so excited, having just moved out of my parent's house. The train ride over here was more eventful then even I could have predicted. Who knew living on my own would require so much forethought? Luckily, I ran into a fairly excitable cat that knew some people in Villa village who could fix me up with a place to stay. We chatted about the weather, and other non-essentials.
When I exited the train station, Tanuki, the local real estate despot, greeted me. He led me to a parcel of land he owned that he had built four sheds on. Apparently, I was to live in a shed ... And not just any shed, but one with a dancing hooligan in front of it. I hate hooligans almost as much as I hate pigs (except Pork remember). After much deliberation (and harassment from Tanuki each time I left one of the sheds), I decided on the one in the northeast corner. Brown roofing, tatami mat floor, feudal-style Japanese walls. I love it. Oh, and he threw in a free radio. If it werent for the radio, I would have hopped back on the train! It was only after he left me to my shed, that I realized my radio was BROKEN! It didnt receive AM or FM, I had to bring my own cassettes. I decided to make the trek to Tanukis shop; he offered me a part-time job, doing slave labor.
When I arrived, Tanuki gave me a uniform. Have you seen those uniforms? They are a pale green; no one looks good in pale green. I decided it was part of my punishment for not bringing enough money. My first task was to plant some flora around the shop. Why, I have no idea. He should have had me dust or something. Anyways, I merrily threw seeds left and right, and voila, was finished. I went inside to report that my under-developed horticultural skills had created a work of art. Plant-life. It doesnt get any better than that.
Who knew I had to do more than that? Tanuki then demanded I greet all of my neighbors. I love the neighbors in Villa village. They stay home. They dont come knock on my door and irritate me with dumb questions. They wander around their yards, and otherwise are unobtrusive. I greeted them all with much pleasure (no pigs this time, yay)! The first neighbor I ran into was a Siamese cat, Ma-ru. Shes cute, and she seems to be the most popular girl in town. Ive run errands to and from her all day. Anyways, back to the tale. It was Ma-ru who my next task centered around. Tanuki forced me to write a letter to my neighbor. I thought I could be sneaky and write it at the post office and post it to the wrong person, but he has spies in the office!! He made me rewrite the letter three times as I insisted I did not want to write to Ma-ru. The tyrant. I eventually gave in to the demanding taskmaster, and complete my task. He then led me on a merry goose chase around town delivering items of little to no importance to my neighbors.
I went back to my shack and rested, having completed his tasks. I walked in the door, and realized I had nowhere to rest. THE HORROR! Luckily, I had a couple of leaves, and a new outfit to try on. I dropped the first leaf, a decent wooden chair. Hurray! The second leaf was also a chair, sadly. It was a horrible leaf-backed chair with a fruit seat. I immediately packed it up for sale. I was almost to the door when I realized I hadnt tried on my new clothes. I quickly switched out of my taskmaster uniform, and into a purple tie-die job. Lovely. I jogged over to the store to sell my fruit-chair, and the clothes I rode in on. Oh, and I returned his taskmaster outfit. I decided to look around the store, having not done so, so concentrated on the tasks was I. OH MY GOODNESS! A big samurai doll/statue. It would look so perfect in my tatami mat home. I must have it, I said to myself. I ran over there to price it. Tanuki followed me like he expected me to shoplift at any moment. As I inspected it, Tanuki must have seen the gleam in my eye. 4500 bell he said. ARGH! He wont have this tomorrow, I told myself. Maybe I can scrounge up some money. I did buy a shovel sitting on a nearby shelf ... Maybe I can dig up some money.
I wandered around digging at every little crack I could find. Some fossils (what am I to do with these?), a couple of hooligans (Haniwa. Hooligans. Whatever.), oh, and a sparkly spot. I thought I had best dig there. HA! Some fool buried 10,000 bell in some sparkly ground. Mine now! I scampered back to the shop merrily, knowing the doll/statue would now be mine. I purchased it greedily, and went home to unpack my new toy. It is so lovely there in the corner. Im never going to leave my shed again. You cant make me.
Oh wait. I wanted to pay off the shed today. So I decided to see if my neighbors needed any help. As luck would have it, they did. I delivered a bunch of clothes, and household items. Got some bell, got some leaves, got a cool new camouflage outfit. What I needed to do now was find out what all these leaves are.
First leaf turned out to be a Japanese garden pagoda. I love those, and it totally fits into my household theme. I put that in another corner. My next item was a table that matched by wooden chair. I kept that too.
Ugh. A writing desk. It was hideous. I didnt like the white pawn piece either. I decided to sell them, along with a couple of ugly outfits I stole from Lost & Found. To make a long day short, I paid off my entire house in one day. YAY ME! Oh, and I've run errands for Safurina, the pink-tinted Penguin. Delivered stuff to John, the Doberman. Gewoashikofu, a racing Horse, number 8, had me deliver some glasses to Ma-ru. Chiamazu, an old blue goat, didnt seem to want to have anything to do with me. Though Bu-ke always seemed overjoyed to see me.
I did so much today I dont even remember who gave me what. I will keep better track next time. I promise. 
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