Nick's Diaries
Day 10, Began 1:06pm
HRA Rating - 8725
Clean Fossils Delivered - Fly In Amber, Swimming Dinosaur Body, and Footprint.
Dear Diary, I have been so busy at home this last week that the diary entries have been short. I apologize; I shall not stay away from you and my neighbors for so long in the future. I began my day by robbing the trash heap, and lost & found. I found several sheets of paper, and a McD's outfit in the trash. I immediately threw it back down hoping to never stumble across it again.
After organizing the stuff in my pockets, I began my daily errands run. It all began with me bringing new clothes to Éclair. The outfit was a checkered red & yellow thing. It actually looked decent on her. She loved it so much that she gave me a large beverage dispenser. It has even more variety than my small one!
I strolled through town looking for more chores several times, but seeing as how it is a Sunday, no one seemed to want anything done. Finally I found that John wanted his magazine back from Ma-ru. She ended up having loaned it away, and it all became a downward spiral with me finally discovering it at Bu-ke's house. I left Bu-ke's and went to John's with his magazine. When I returned it, he gave me a small beverage dispenser. In fact, it was the exact same one that I had owned before. How lame. I decided I would do one more task, so I ran next door to Pa-chiku's place. He also had some clothes for Éclair. What a big day for her. I delivered them to Éclair, hoping to receive another indoor potted plant. Alas, she gave me a drum for my trouble and sent me on my way.
Along the way home, I sold my duplicate beverage dispenser, and my drum. Now was an excellent time to sell my fossils too. I decided to keep my fossils only when I had the basement or upstairs.
Today was also the first day in which I hunted for the cicada bug on the trees. He eluded me for the entire day, though I did manage to scare him off a tree before I noticed him. He seems to be the hardest bug to catch.

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