Nick's Diaries
Day 11, Began 12:46pm
HRA Rating - 8776
Clean Fossils Delivered - Nautilus, Footprint, and Tail of Stegosaurus
Dear Diary, today was interesting to say the least. It started in the most usual of manners. I found paper at the trash, prepared it to post my fossils I dig up daily. On my way back from the trash, I dug up a digital haniwa from outside Tanuki's. It is a futuristic looking one that makes a cool digital sound that meshes with my blue haniwa really well. I started my errands, in the usual manner, but no one needed anything! When I neared Gewoashikofu's place, I noticed a new house and been setup.
A new neighbor! I ran over towards the house, and as I approached, a very stern looking eagle stepped out. I went up to introduce myself and welcome him to Villa village. He said his name was Hideyoshi, and that he has just moved in. I told him a little about the village, and he seemed quite pleased.
I asked him if he needed anything done for him as yet, and he informed me that he had met Karupi, and wished to surprise her with some new clothes. I offered to take them to her, knowing she was usually a good gift giver. He happily sent me on my way with the clothes.
I rushed to the beach to bring Karupi her new clothes, as I was tired of seeing her in the blue fade outfit she received last time I brought her clothes. I dislike faded clothing. Well, this new outfit was a green/yellow combo thing that looked good on her, and she gave me her blue fade outfit. Oh joy (notice the sarcasm). I decided a walk on the shore to overcome my disappointment.
Guess whom I bumped into again? That's right. Joni- (I think it is pronounced Johnny), the sailor duck who again was passed out on our beaches! When I woke him and made sure he was ok, he gave me a low-quality chair. It was worse than my brown chair! I sold my original haniwas, and on my way to lost & found (my next stop), I located another haniwa. It was a weird looking green one that sounded like a frog!
Lost & found had a single item. Never knowing what it could be I took it home to see if maybe it was something cool. What I discovered it to be was some construction quality I-beams. You know, the big metal beams shaped like an I. What junk!
As I headed towards the door to get rid of them, I also nabbed my red & black-checkered outfit. I was sick of seeing it, so I'm hoping to dump it, and buy something better. Luckily, when I arrived, Tanuki did have a decent outfit for me to buy. It was a green outfit with a teddy bear face on it. Adorable.
Don't worry diary, we are getting very close to the interesting part.
I continued my daily route, checking on my neighbors and doing everything I can to make their lives easier. Most people didn't need anything, but I did get to return a couple of watches. Pa-chiku had left his watch at Éclair's, so I went and picked it up for him, and he paid me with 1076 bells. Also, Chiamazu left his watch at Bu-ke's. She, of course, had thought it was Ma-ru's, and sent it over to her. Ma-ru still had the watch and was all too happy to make sure it ended up with its rightful owner. Upon my return, I received some paper.
Here is the most interest part ...
Along my route, I walk on the far beach, which is usually very uninteresting. But today, today there was a visitor on the sandy shores of Villa village .... A CAMEL! It turns out that this camel reweaves carpets you bring him, into other carpets. You have to pay him, of course. I thought this could be my chance to get a cool carpet, so I ran to Tanuki's to buy the ugly carpet he had. When I returned, the camel wanted 3000 bells and the carpet to make me a new one. I merrily agreed (not knowing any better), and when he was finished, I ran home to see what my new flooring looked like.
My beautiful floor had become, Oh, I hate to even say it. It had become ... become .... IT HAD BECOME A POTHOLE FILLED ROADWAY & SIDEWALKS! Oh it was awful. There was a two-lane road going through the middle of my house, with a gigantic pothole in the middle, and scummy sidewalks on each side. My total investment in this piece of garbage was 4176 (3000 bells + price of carpet he started with). I replaced my old floor and took my new roadway-O'-Garbage flooring back to have it rewoven.
HEAVENS ABOVE! He wants 6000, plus the carpet to reweave. I less than happily agreed, hoping this time it would be decent. Moments later I was handed my new carpet. I slowly meandered home, praying for some decency to exist in that evil being I now call "The Camel Swindler."
I walked in the door, threw down my carpet. Alas! It is a sandy beach floor, with a big patch of grass in the middle. This doesn't match ANYTHING! I'm tired of my old flooring though, so I kept it. Yes Diary, I KEPT IT. Sad, I know. This flooring cost me 10,176 bells. I don't believe I will ever be availing myself of that evil creatures service again.
In a desperate gamble for cash, I went back to work. I returned a picture book to Bu-ke, and received some ugly orange fade clothes. What is this village obsession with faded clothes?
No one else needed anything done for him or her. They are doing this just to irritate me. I then felt the need for some retail therapy. Must buy something, then I will feel better. I ran to Tanuki's, and shopped around until I decided to purchase the shield umbrella. I love this thing. The umbrella portion is a shield; it even has broken arrows and stuff in it.
As I stumbled home in a daze, I noticed a crack. I dug it up and found myself a haniwa. Of course, it was a gurgling haniwa, so I trekked back to the store to sell it.
I decided I would make one more stop before I went home dejected. I would go visit Ma-ru, as she lives so close to me. Well, as we were talking, she gave me an outfit she no longer wanted. I thanked her, but continued the conversation. She then promptly bought back the outfit she gave me, for 3000 bells! I was boggled. Not going to complain though.
I decided that now would be a good time to go home before anything bad happened to me. I fled eastward to my doors. When I approached the housing complex, I noticed both of the peach trees I planted were only half-size. Dammitall. I think they are planted too close to the picket fences (they are both right next to one). They should be fully grown by now. I'm CURSED! In a fit of rage, I chopped them down and left the stumps to remind me that picket fences are bad, Mmkay!
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