Nick's Diaries
Day 12, Began 10:53am
HRA Rating - 8319
Clean Fossils Delivered - Trilobite, Stegosaurus Head, and Footprint.
Dear Diary, today began with a trip to the store where I sold my daisy umbrella, and bought a new water lily umbrella. I also visited the dump today, where I found paper and a lace umbrella much like Safurina's.
I did my errands out of order today. I began at Kurubushi's house (the rhino, remember?) where he sent me off to find his camera. It was an uneventful journey to Gewoashikofu's and back, where I was paid off with paper. What a cheap gift for all that walking I did.
As I wandered through town, I stuck up some trades with my neighbors. I traded a fish to Frostbite the chicken, in return for some paper. I then fished to make sure I had my usual fish/bug availability, and then traded the second fish to Gewoashikofu for wallpaper. It is nice pine slat wallpaper. Of course, I had to fish again to keep up the desirability of trading with me.
Let's see... Hideyoshi gave me some furniture he didn't need anymore. That was nice of him, too bad it was just a pile of stepstools. Also, I bought a crossing guard statue from Chiamazu. How do I end up with these things? I ought to be more careful about what I buy. He he.
I did end up trading the pile of stepstools to John, in return for a high-gloss pine chair. I didn't like the chair, so I traded it to Pa-Chiku (the blue bird) for some wallpaper. The wallpaper was an ugly brown stripe paper, with w's on it. Ugh. No luck so far today. Maybe I will take a break
Day 12, Began 4:44pm
Dear Diary, I am hoping to get some new fruit today to replace the fruit I lost by chopping down the ungrowing peach trees. I again started at Kurubushi's; selling him my latest fish catch for 2100 bells. I purchased yet another peach, this time from Hideyoshi. This time I planted it where I knew it would grow. I had planted a pear tree very near my house, but don't particularly like pears. So I chopped it down, and planted the peach there. Hopefully it will grow as big and strong as the pear tree (and as quickly).
My final round of errands had me returning Éclair's handkerchief, for which I received more paper. Oh, and the best part of all. I taught Pa-chiku the American word COOL! He uses it a lot!
As I walked home, I noticed a new house!! Another new neighbor! YAY! It ends up that my new neighbor is a blue cow, and her name is Amo-re (like the French word). She was so happy to be living in Villa village. She said she hoped to make many friends, I informed her that she was quite likely to fit in great here, as we all love making new friends.

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