Nick's Diaries
Day 13, Began 10:21am
HRA Rating - 8262.
Clean Fossils Delivered - Stegosaurus Head, Nautilus, and Trilobite.
Dear Diary, today I saw something I had never before seen. While doing my daily rounds, (during which no one needed anything) Éclair and Kurubushi stopped and talked to each other for a short time. When they were done, Éclair gave Kurubushi a duplicate of the outfit she was wearing. Nifty!
I went up to Éclair to talk to her, and she was whistling as I approached. Her and Kurubushi must have hit it off. She was quite impressed with Kurubushi, and was happy he lived here in Villa village with us. As we were talking, she mentioned how she had left her picture book with John, and she was hoping to be able to get it back. I told her I would be glad to go get it for her, not knowing I would be sent back and forth through the village to five different houses to find this book. When I finally came back to her with her book, exhausted and hoping for a good payout, all I got was some lousy paper!
I left her house, and headed to the Lost & Found hoping to score something good there, but alas, only yellow plaid clothes. It simply doesn't seem to be my day
I finished my rounds at Amo-re's house. She wanted her watch back from Frostbite, I quickly ran there hoping to finish my rounds early, and succeeded to find it at Frostbite's before he sent it off to another neighbor.
The last two things I did before heading back home was go look at Tanuki's place to see if he had anything new. He, uh, had an interesting painting. I'm sure it is a classic, because I've seen it before .... But, the woman in that painting has, er, uh, no clothes!
After fleeing his shop, I went and hunted down the sparkling money spot. It was finally not far from my house, so I planted a bag of 100 bells and saw the little plant pop-up. Maybe in a few days I will have a money tree! Yay!
Day 13, Began 1:47pm
Dear Diary, I didn't do any more errands this day, but I did meet a new neighbor. His name is Ram-Lu, and he lives out by Safurina. He doesn't wear his outfits like the rest of my neighbors. He turns them into a scarf! How cool is that? Right now, he is wearing a purple tie-dye scarf. Well, more tomorrow!

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