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Nick's Diaries

Day 14, Began 2:31pm

HRA Rating - 8262.

Clean Fossils Delivered - Trilobite, Egg x2.

Dear Diary, today several things happened to me, that have never happened before! My day started with my usual trip to the dump. You never know what you might find there. Today, I discovered some paper, and a blue trash can. The trashcan doesn't fit with anything else in my house, and I don't throw a lot away, so I sold that. Nothing exciting there, but here goes.

I began my daily quest by taking some new clothes to Pa-Chiku. He loved his new outfit, and gave me his old one. You do remember what his old one is, don't you? It is a KIWI! Yes, it is kiwi-fruit green with lil black seeds, just like a kiwi. It rocks. I felt very fruity after I received that.

I brought Frostbite a present from another villager. A pocket pikachu. He must not have liked it much, because he gave me some horrendous stripy outfit that shouldn't be seen. I left his house in a huff, hoping someone would give me something cool for his or her errand.

I also had time to return Hideyoshi's watch to him; he had left it at a neighbor's house. He only paid me in paper. Nothing special there. Don't worry; we're getting there. I left Hideyoshi's house, and went to Gewoashikofu's place. They live very close.

Gewoashikofu needed me to bring Éclair a magazine. I did so, hoping to score something big. Maybe a double bed! Alas, it was not to be ... but I did score a flowering cactus! I immediately ran home to put that out.

After finding the perfect place for the cactus in my house, I headed south along the banks of the river, and whom did I meet? Why, Chiamazu the goat, of course! This was most unusual because he doesn't leave his house much. I decided to go talk to him.

We talked a whole bunch, and I ended up trading the fish I had for a cherry! Yes! New fruit! After more conversation, I also traded a Haniwa I had dug up earlier, for a blue diamond carpet. It isn't a carpet I would use, and another villager already has that flooring, but ah well. That isn't all though. We continued to talk more. He offered me a metal desk, I thought about whether I wanted to spend the 2300 bells for it. Why not!! I bought the metal desk and took it home to check it out. It is an old ugly metal desk, what was I expecting? I don't really know. Maybe just a tad of niftiness to it, but NO! Ah well. I was worn out, so I took a nap.

Day 14, Began 5:17pm

Dear Diary, the day has begun to cool, and you can tell it is almost evening. The bugs have started to disappear, and the shadows are beginning to lengthen. I know I have time to do some more errands, but not if I stand around.

I started my night rounds by returning Frostbite's videotape he had loaned someone. He seems to have a large stock of paper, because that is what I get from him most. Ah well. We chatted for a time, and he offered me a perpetual motion device. I always find that fascinating, so I bought it from him. It wasn't priced too badly.

I brought Hideyoshi some new clothes. That's good because he had been wearing the same outfit as Gewoashikofu for a few days. He got a green fade outfit that I would never wear, but hey, he looks ok in it. In return, he gave me the #8 outfit he had gotten from Gewoashikofu.

At Gewoashikofu's house, he offered me some wallpaper for the ugly metal desk I had been carrying around since earlier today. I gladly accepted. When I got home to try the new wallpaper, it was pink!! I almost fainted I was so overwhelmed with pinkness. I put up the old wallpaper, and sold the pink stuff.

I did a lot of returns today. I returned Karupi's handkerchief, for which I got some clothes with the letter A on them. I returned Chiamazu's picture book, and got an I (HEART) 64 outfit. John paid me cash for finding his magazine, and Amo-re presented me with paper for bringing her book back to her. All in all, it was a good day.

Best of all ... On my way home, I heard some rustling, and when I went to find out what it was, there was a balloon stuck on a tree. Attached to the balloon ... A PRESENT! I shook the tree, causing the balloon to burst, and the gift to fall. When I opened it up, I discovered a vase full of sunflowers. Wow, my place is getting lots of greenery lately!

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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