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Nick's Diaries

Day 15, Began 2:53pm

HRA Rating - 8415

Clean Fossils Delivered - Brontosaurus body, Swimming dinosaur body, and Nautilus.

Dear Diary, all of the residential lots in our village filled today. Fifteen people can live here, other than in the housing complex. I doubt anyone will move into the housing complex, but that is fine with me. It means I have a lot of space outside my house to throw junk down if I want. Anyways, back to my newest neighbor. Her name is Tongue Tongue, and she is a purple panda. Her house is so beautiful. If it were bigger, it would be my dream house!

Today, I decided to do my route all crazy-like. I started at John's house, and he had a book he needed delivered to Amo-re. I quickly agreed, as I was eager to get my tasks finished so I could try to capture that tree bug. He always seems to be on the trees that I can't see the trunks of, so I scare him away and then cant find him. Anyways, I brought the book to Amo-re, and she recompensed me with some wallpaper that can only be described as having strings of beads hanging on it. How blah. Sold!

My next errand involved finding Safurina's watch. It very much seemed the villagers were trying to make sure I didn't find it as I ran from one side of the village to the other, to find that durned thing. When I finished that task, she gifted me with some new clothes. Interesting outfit, that's for sure. It is a cream color, with multicolored stars (Now, the colors aren't multicolored, but there is more than one color of star).

I finally ended up being proffered something good when I completed a task for Bu-ke. She wanted her gameboy back from Ma-ru. Lucky for me, Ma-ru still had it. When I returned, she handed me my payment. A grandfather clock! How cool is that? I immediately ran home to sell my day-glo yellow clock, and replace it with my new grandfather clock.

The last events of my day were with my new panda neighbor. Tongue Tongue had lost her glasses, and was hoping I would be kind enough to track them down. Track them down I did, and what did I get in return? Paper! I know that that might not sound all that great, but getting paper means I don't have to go buy it from Tanuki to send off my fossils.

We chatted some, about the weather, and the village, and I ended up trading a Haniwa I had in my possession for a primary color table. I've decided after some thought that I don't much like primary color table. I mean, yeah, if I was a kid it might be grand. But I'm not, and it isn't!

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