Nick's Diaries
Day 16, Began 7:05pm
HRA Rating - 8415
Clean Fossils Delivered - Trilobite, Some sort of dinosaur tail, and an Egg.
Dear Diary, today I got a VERY late start. It was dusk, a very invigorating time of day in my mind. I love the air as it cools from the day, and the cool night breeze as it blows through the trees. I began my evening by going shopping. Tanuki had a rock in today. Yes, a plain rock. Not even a mossy boulder, like I have already. I decided I kind of like the rock, so I would buy it.
When I got home, I realized I had no place to put it. I debated about what to get rid of, or where to put things. After much deliberation, I decided that both drink dispensers, and the perpetual motion device could go. I don't want my house all cluttered.
I finally started my evening round of tasks. The first task I completed was bringing some glasses to Karupi. She quickly gave me some clothes as payment and then went inside her house. The outfit she gave me has a big O on it, or maybe a zero. I can't tell the difference.
I returned a magazine to Tongue Tongue, and she gave me some very cool paper. It is blue, with ghost dolls on it. Id have to say this is my second favorite paper, my first favorite being paper with a mushroom filled bottom, and trees at the top. I also returned a magazine to Ram-lu, and he just paid me in cash, which is always welcome.
I left Ram-lu's and stopped by Bu-ke's. She had a picture book she needed returned to Hideyoshi, and he lives far from her, so she was wondering if I would take. I graciously accepted the task, and zoomed over to Hideyoshi's. He was happy to have his book back, and gave me a wheelbarrow in return. In retrospect, it seems a weird thing to have. I mean, who wants to have a wheelbarrow full of dirt, and with a shovel handle sticking out of it, in their house??
I left my house with goal of talking to Chiamazu; he often has good things to trade. I couldn't find him, but I did find a tent near the river. When I entered, I discovered it was a fortuneteller's tent! For 50 bells she told me my fortune, but it was so not worth mentioning. Heck, it wasn't even worth the 50 bells.
I left the tent heading towards lost & found in the hopes that someone lost something good. I found some fancy wallpaper, but nothing worth keeping. Having concluded my list of things I wanted to do, I wandered through the forest with no task in mind, until I stumbled upon a great surprise. A sparkling crack, and when I dug it up ... 10,000 bells! YAY!
I decided to retired having spent my day well. Then I decided on making one more stop at Hideyoshi's. We ended up chatting for a couple minutes, and then we made a couple of trades. I traded him back his wheelbarrow, and he gave me some sliding screen wallpaper. I then received some white clothes with a big red arrow on them, in return for a fish I had on me.
I left Hideyoshi's; planning to head home when I heard the clock strike 8pm, and I realized it was Saturday! Totakeke would be in town! I rushed over to the train station and met up with him. Totakeke has to be the best musician I have ever heard. He belted out a tune that had me tapping my feet, and bobbing my head to the music. When he was finished, he was kind enough to slip me a tape of his latest single for my stereo system. I went home happy.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead & Megadoomer.com, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.
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