Nick's Diaries
Day 17, Began 10:01am
HRA Rating - 8313
Clean Fossils Delivered - Mammoth Body, Trilobite, and Amber.
Dear Diary, the weirdest thing happened today. Everywhere I went I seemed to be finding bags of money hidden in the shade behind the trees. I'm not sure if they have been there all along, or if they were put there over night. I believe I've easily found 10 or more bags of 100 bells each.
My morning began by looking for the Kabu Lady (whose name eludes me at the moment). I found her wandering around the west side of Villa Village, but did not buy any Kabu as I thought her prices were far too high.
After walking away from the Kabu Lady, I went to check on my money tree. And voila. It had money! I had planted only 100 bells, and the tree gave me three bags of 100 bells. I wonder if I plant 1000 bells, it will give me 3000 bells.
As I wandered around looking for shiny spots, or other cracks containing goodies I bought a hideous black & pink striped outfit from Chiamazu, and also discovered Tanuki's is closed again today. He is remodeling AGAIN. I hope he doesn't take too long.
Finding out Tanuki has closed his shop for a day or two made me depressed, so I went back to bed.
Day 17, Began 11:59am
Without the means to sell my objects I found, I began a burial site by the train station. I hate doing it, but I don't have any other choice. At the trash I got some #23 clothes, and a Native American design couch that matches my bed. How cool is that?
I didn't feel much like running errands today, so I went looking for more cracks and hidden items. I discovered many things during my quest.
The first few things I dug up were fossils (earlier this morning), but not this time. Oh no. I discovered a strange purple Haniwa that made a weird indescribable sound. It was ugly, and I refused to even keep it out for more than a few seconds.
The next crack I found proffered up a little Haniwa. This one was very small, flailed around a lot, and made a very cricket-like sound. I kind of liked the idea of cricket sounds in my house, so I kept it.
The third and final thing I dug up was also a Haniwa. It was the biggest Haniwa I have yet found. It made a loud drumming noise, and when I activated it, it seemed to fit PERFECTLY with the new music I had playing since last night.
I continued my activities by hunting for that darned beetle that always seems to elude me. I searched and I searched, but I could not find it. I was walking home, head hanging in shame, when I spotted it on a tree trunk. As I snuck up on it quietly Safurina ran up towards me and scared it away. I think she did it on purpose. She was mad earlier after talking to one of her other neighbors. Bitter ole penguin.
Before I headed back in for the day, I packed up my white chair, and my blue Haniwa, and buried them out in the burial grounds, along with the fossils I didn't have paper for.

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