Nick's Diaries
Day 18, Began 1:17pm.
HRA Rating - 8773
Clean Fossils Delivered - Mammoth head, T-Rex body, Amber.
Dear Diary, today involved a lot of wallpaper. I began my day by stopping by the trash bin. There was a blue & white plaid outfit, and wallpaper designed to look like a Japanese temple. I had not yet installed it when I began my errands.
The first thing I did was stop by TongueTongue's house. He didn't need any errands run, but I did end up teaching him the word "dude". He says it a lot now. Most of his sentences end like "dude?" and he loves to exclaim "DUDE!" He makes me laugh.
I left his house and headed to Ma-ru's. She often has errands for me to run. But alas, not today. She did offer to trade me wallpapers, which I accidentally accepted and immediately regretted. I gave her my Japanese Temple wallpaper, and received Stone Wall wallpaper. Ugh.
I headed back to TongueTongue's to complain about Mar-ru, but then I ended up trading him the stones wallpaper for an excellent film reel style radio. I ran home to switch the songs in the radio, and bury my old crappy radio until Tanuki's reopens. When the radio is turned on, the little film reels turn and turn like little gears.
I continued on my errands at Frostbite's house. He needed nothing done for him, but he did offer to sell me a metal drum. Not sure if he was talking about a musical instrument, or a big metal drum that you store chemical waste in, I bought the metal drum. Huge mistake. It was the metal drum that you would store chemical waste in, and I will less the 1/3rd of what I paid for it when I sell it.
I was running out of time for the day, so I skipped some of my neighbors and went to see Hideyoshi. We chatted for a bit, and I discovered that Gewoashikofu had taught him the word "okay". I didn't know they taught each other the words I taught them. Must have been during one of the many times that they bumped into each other.
I wandered to a couple of other villager's home, but they did not need anything, until I got to Safurina. She wanted the fish I was carrying, and would trade me an outfit reminiscent of something that Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. White with rosebush vines, and roses on it. Quite nifty.
My final act for the day was to be thoroughly ripped of by Ram-lu, by paying FAR too much for a purple fade outfit.
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