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Nick's Diaries

Day 19, Began 11:31am

HRA Rating - 8773.

Clean Fossils Delivered - Footprint, Triceratop Head, and Mammoth Head.

Dear Diary, for the first time in my memory, my mother sent my some money. She sent me 1000 bells. Also, today Tanuki's shop reopened, and OH MY is it big!! It now carries four tools, four flowers, two trees, two floorings, two wallpapers, three sheets of paper, three outfits, four pieces of furniture, and one umbrella.

I began my day off by accidentally buying a massage chair he had for sale. Ugh. Sold it back and lost half of the value. I then went and purchased teahouse wallpaper for my house. I'm tired of what I have now. I went back and forth from my item graveyard I had started of the stuff I needed to sell. All total, I got 25,000 bells for the junk I had received in the last two days.

I also ordered a floor from the catalog. A nice stonework floor. It should arrive later today Tanuki says. I went by the trash bin before heading home for a bit. There I found some paper, and a number 5 outfit.

Day 19, Began 1:10pm

Dear Diary, my new floor arrived. Yay! It is so much better than that horrible sandy beach & grass spot thing. I now happily went on my merry way to run some errands.

Most of what I did today involved returning items to people. I ran around the town many, many times. My little legs got tired. I returned Éclair's book, for which she repaid me with a heater. I hunted down Pa-chiku's camera, and got some plain paper as payment.

I then broke from the norm, and brought someone something. Amo-re was sending Ma-ru some new clothes. About time, I hadn't delivered clothes in some time! I delivered the outfit and got a flower chair with a leaf back. Yet another furniture item that does not fit with my theme.

I finished my stream of errands by returnng Karupi's picture book, for which she gave me an ugly blue fade outfit. I hate these fade outfits. They are oo-gly! All of them! Fine on some of the animals, but hideous on myself.

Day 19, Began 7:05pm

Dear Diary, before going to bed I did a couple more things. I taught Kurubushi the word "Mkay", and then I traded Pa-Chiku the bug I was carrying for an apple. Mmmm, apples. I immediately ran to my housing complex, and planted the apples on the far left side, diagonal from the picket fence (so it would grow). I'm hoping to not accidentally trample this new planting.

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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