Nick's Diaries
Day 2, Began 11:57am
Dear Diary, today is my first day of waking up in a house all my own. I say house, because last night someone came and turned the shed I was residing in into a house. It has almost twice as much space as it did before. I immediately moved everything against the walls again. I only wish I had a bed to sleep in; sleeping in this hard wooden chair is not good for my back.
When I stepped out of my house my mailbox had a little flag up flashing at me. I must have mail! YAY! It was a letter from a museum offering to clean my fossils Id found. Tanuki must have alerted them since I foisted so many on him yesterday. He. After trashing the letter, I wandered the village. I found something so exciting ... a new neighbor!! She is a brown pachyderm named Éclair. Meeting her was wonderful, she is so nice.
After greeting my new neighbor I decided to stop by the shop. As luck would have it, Tanuki had gotten both a net and a fishing pole in this morning's shipment. I snatched them both up the moment I could push past him. ALL YOUR BUGS BELONG TO US, I screamed. I left and the store and ran to the stream. Oops, you scare the fish when you run to the edge of the stream. I slowly wandered south until I saw another fishy silhouette. I am new to fishing, so I didnt do well, but I didnt give up hope. After several tries, I had me a fish! It is an ugly green thing. I would throw it back, but I cant. Ah well. Now for a bug. I put away my pole, and got out my net. I ran laughing through the woods until I spotted a butterfly. Yellow with black spots. Small, and round, but cute. I ran up to it and snatched it with the net one the first try. YAY ME! A white one with black spots caught my eye near another tree. I ran that one down too, and caught it on the first try.
I decided I should look for other bugs too. I was nearing Gewoashikofus house (hes the horse, remember), when I saw a big ole butterfly. Beautiful yellowy wings, probably twice the size of the other bugs I had! It must be mine! This butterfly was smarter and faster than the others. I had to chase it around for almost a whole minute before I caught it, but in the end, I won! I decided to stop by and see Gewoashikofu; maybe he would need me to run an errand.
As I walked up to his house, Gewoashikofu came running up to me. I asked him if there was anything I could do for him, and he displayed a lot of interest in my bugs. I asked if he could have one. I thought about it for a moment and decided he could have the big ole butterfly. He thanked me and gave me a clunky old signpost in return. I hated it, but hoped it would net me some good cash. I think Tanuki is ripping me off when I sell stuff there. That sign was worth at least 200 bell, I swear!! Anyways, it seemed like a good time to pay off some of my new debt of 49800 on my new home (how did they build it so quickly?), so I made a trip to the post office (they do the banking around here). I paid 2800 on my tab, and left for the garbage heap.
The garbage heap is a fenced off area where the residents of Villa village throw their junk. Once a week a recycling company comes by and takes away everything there. As I walked up I noticed a chest in there. NEW CLOTHES, I hollered and ran to the chest. I couldnt wait to get home to try them on ... OH MY! Someone in this village once worked at McDonalds. Dont deny it. I know it. This outfit they threw out is red, and on the cap is a set of golden arches. I was horrified, yet, fascinated by the color scheme that I decided to keep them until I found some better clothes.
Note to self. Ask one of your neighbors about these poles in their yard. Everyone seems to have them now. They are tall, with a pinwheel on top, and koi windsocks on them. Maybe it is a holiday I dont know about. Hmmm
In my quest for stuff, I ended up returning a tape to Éclair. In return, she gave me some ugly paper with circuitry style design. I dont hate her; I just hate the stuff she gives me. I'm not impressed with my new neighbor yet.
I took this papery opportunity to buy some more paper and send out 5 fossils to the museum. I hope they come back soon!
After my postal break, I brought a magazine to Bu-ke (the blue cat), and returned another tape to Éclair. She has only been here a day and already she has loaned out her videocassettes. How nice of her. In return, they both gave me clothes. Bu-ke gave me an unattractive set of yellow plaid clothing, and Éclair gave me a camouflage-type outfit. I ran home to make sure she didnt steal it out of my house, because I have an outfit just like it. No, she must have just shopped the same place as some of the other villagers.
Day 2, Began 5:07pm
Egad Diary, ever since Éclair moved in, all of my neighbors have started wandering. Its awful. They lock their doors some of the time even!! Then they go visit other neighbors, or just meander through the forest. Trying to deliver some of the items was tedious! I also noticed some of the trees I planted yesterday seem to be growing ... and some seem to be half-eaten and destroyed. I think I might have trampled them after planting. I will have to make sure not to do that again.
I've discovered some weird grass around the village today too. I tried to dig up some with my shovel, but I ruined it. Same when I tried to pick it up. Maybe theyre weeds, maybe not. I left one by Gewoashikofus place so I can see what happens to it by tomorrow.
Chiamazu (the goat) was a lot friendlier today. It might have something to do with the fact that when I walked by to offer my services, I ended up having something he wanted. A fish! I offered to trade him, and he gave me a white lucky cat statue in return. Awesome! I went to run home to put it in, but he stopped me to ask me my birthday. August 18th, I said. He seemed happy to know, though he didnt tell me when his birthday was. Ah well, maybe next time. When I got home I put my lucky cat out, it looks perfect.
Day 2, Began 7:59pm
Dear Diary, I knew Totokeke would be playing tonight at the Train Station, so I dragged myself out of the house late to hear him. He is such a good singer. Ive decided he is the best vocalist I know. I ended up with a recording of the music he sang to me when he was done. That was nice of him.
As I strolled back home to rest for the night, I noticed a ladybug on some flowers I planted near my house! It too must be mine, so I snuck up on it and WHACK! Petals flew, and the ladybug was mine. I thought I would keep this one for myself, so I went inside and set it up on the table in a bug container.
Since I'm up and about the village, I might as well check on everyone. Lucky I did. Éclair had lost her glasses while visiting some of the villagers. After much hunting, I found them and brought them to her. She was so happy that she gave me a table. Wahoo, it is exactly the same as my other cheap wooden table. A match!
On the last part of my rounds, I discovered Bu-ke over by Gewoashikofus place. She had a cloth napkin she had to return to John (the Doberman), and she was hoping I could do it for her, since it was getting late. I told her I would be glad to help (with ulterior motives, of course, I was hoping to score a bed from John). Well, when I returned the napkin John did not give me a bed. He gave me a sink/counter unit. Um, thanks? I moved around everything in my house, and then discovered the unit is ugly and matches nothing. Besides, there is a, er, set of beakers or a spice rack or something on the counter space, so I cant use it. What a waste, I sobbed, as I took the unit to sell. I only made 470 bell for that combo unit. I'm hoping Tanuki will give me a better deal when I owe him less money!
Well, it was getting dark in the woods, so I came home and decided to rest. Again in my brown wooden chair that is not at all comfortable. Next time, a bed ... I hope!!
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