Nick's Diaries
Day 20, Began 11:53am
HRA Rating - 8412
Clean Fossils Delivered - Trilobite, Pterodactyl Wing, and Body of a Swimming Dinosaur.
Dear Diary, today I began my route with the trash heap. I discovered a pink outfit with little white daisies, and a construction barricade. Oh how unexciting. As I wandered down towards some of the villager's homes, I ran into the Wallpaper Walrus yet again! Again, I traded him a fish for some wallpaper. He ate the fish, and gave me some walls that had ash black wood above knee height, and stone on the lower portion. Interesting, but too dark for me.
As I went by Bu-ke's house I purchased a rug she was selling. It is a very busy blue/peach carpet. We chatted for a bit before I headed across the river to see another of my favorite neighbors... Pa-chiku!
I chatted with Pa-chiku for a bit, and he gave me a bonsai tree. How cool is that? I raced him to find a place to set it. After setting it on the floor temporarily, I continued wandering through the town, with no set path.
I stopped by Lost & Found and got an ugly red boom box. I liked my movie reel one better, so I got rid of the red one. I then headed home for an after lunch nap.
Day 20, Began 3:49pm
When I stopped by TongueTongue's to check up on her, she noticed my big butterfly, and offered me a plant for it. Since I am trying to get some greenery, I agreed. It ends up the plant is a large leafy plant that goes well with my house. When I got home I packed up the sunflowers I had gotten from the balloon-present, and put the leafy plant there.
I meandered past FrostBite's house, and ended up selling my ash black wallpaper to him for 2100 bells. He seemed very excited about getting the wallpaper! He walked around for the next few minutes singing to himself.
I decided I had time for two more people, before I headed home for an early dinner. I decided to go see Gewoashikofu. We chatted about the weather, and Gewoashikofu had some clothes that no longer fit him that he gave me. They are blue & flowery. Kind of nice.
I left there and went north to see Hideyoshi. He was just coming out of his house when I stopped by to see if there was anything I could do for him. He wanted his gameboy back from Pa-chiku. I said I could get that back, and ran off to Pa-chiku's in the hope that Pa-chiku would not have time to pawn it off. Well, I arrived quickly, and got the gameboy from Pa-chiku. I walked back to Hideyoshi's slowly, hoping to find some new bugs, but alas, nothing. I returned the gameboy, and received a hideously colored outfit that resembles construction stripes (like on the barricade and stuff.)
Day 20, Began 7:15pm
Gah! I was just ripped off by Kurubushi for a red metal drum. The kind you keep chemical waste in. Why do I keep falling for that one? I need to pay more attention.
I ran a few more errands before heading to bed for the night. I brought Ram-lu his glasses, for which I received some ugly #3 clothes. I brought Éclair some new sunset clothes, and she paid me 195 bells. I returned Karupi's book, and got some paper.
I then walked around talking to my neighbors. I taught Gewoashikofu the word "kewl", and I sold Kurubushi my old carpet.

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