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Nick's Diaries

Day 21, Began 8:30am

HRA Rating - 8463

Clean Fossils Delivered - Nautilus, Amber, and a Mammoth Body.

Dear Diary, I began my morning on the far side of the river. I went to talk to John, but apparently he had stayed up too late, so he went back inside to go back to bed. I knocked repeatedly, but no one answered the door, and the door was locked.

I left John's house and headed down to the beach, as that is where I always seem to find the visitors. Lo and behold, what is this, it is Johnny, the sailor duck! As I shook him awake, he awoke much faster than last time. We chatted a bit, and he again seemed surprised to find himself here. This time he rewarded me with the same fancy armoire as I already have. I tried to sell the armoire, but I discovered that Tanuki's is only open from 9am to 10pm.

I decided to run some errands until the store opened. I brought a book to Gewoashikofu, and received a Ming Vase. I went home, picked up my shield umbrella and put the vase down in its place, beautiful!

I then brought Ma-ru a pocket pikachu and received some paper. The paper is kind of cool; it has a big ole serpent/dragon symbol in the middle.

I returned Frostbite's gameboy, and he was so overjoyed that he gave me a green futon couch. I, of course, already have a cooler couch, so I went to sell it, as Tanuki's would now be open. I then headed home for a bit.

Day 21, Began 11:29am

I was extremely busy this afternoon. I returned Safurina's handkerchief for some paper, I returned Ram-lu's camera, and got 546 bells in return.

I talked to Chia-mazu and ended up trading my fish I had for yet another construction blockade. I don't know why I bother trading stuff with Chia-mazu; he only seems to give me constructions signs and stuff. I don't like that stuff.

I went around shaking some trees, also. I found a total of about 10 bags of 100 bells. And then BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I ran a short distance, whipped out my net and GRABBED IT! Oh yeah. That was awesome. I was suddenly filled with the need to prove my leet skillz; I began to shake all the other trees in need of bees. Again, success! A BEE! I caught that one too. Rock ON!

I went and sold the bees and got 9000 bells for the both of them. Nifty. I went to talk to Amo-re, but she wasn't home. I wandered and wandered and wandered around the town, but I simply could not find her. That was very annoying, as I had just wasted 20 minutes looking for her.

I returned Gewoashikofu's gameboy, hoping for something cool, but all I got was more paper. I've gotten a WHOLE lot of paper today. Ah well. You always need paper.

I went to the post office and paid 25,000 more of my debt ... (15,000 more then my average daily payment.)

Day 21, Began 5:15pm

I decided to run a few errands before the night was over. I returned Frostbite's magazine, and got a leafy plant. I already had one of these plants, so I decided to just carry it with me for the moment.

I returned Éclair's picture book, and she AGAIN gave me paper. Sometimes I think they must think I write a lot of letters.

I brought Bu-ke a picture book also; in return, she gave me some clothes with a hideous design reminiscent of a barber pole. You know, the blue and red stripes swirl.

I returned John's camera, and yes, that's correct, I got more paper. I'm beginning to think bad thoughts about my neighbors.

And finally, before I went home, I traded the leafy plant I received from Frostbite to Ma-ru for pink & red wallpaper with roses on it.

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