Nick's Diaries
Day 22, Began 11:42am
HRA Rating - 8511
Clean Fossils Delivered - Triceratops Head, Some Sort of Tail, and a Trilobite.
Dear Diary, I started my morning off by hunting for those stupid bugs that are on the trees. I snuck around and around and around and around and around. Sometimes, I feel that that bug is smarter than I am. When I am specifically hunting for it, I can never find it, and when I am running an errand, he flies off when I run past a tree I couldn't see him on. How evil. As I was doing my searching, TongueTongue gave me yet another horrible fade outfit. Pink fade this time. After an hour of searching for the bug, I gave up and went back home.
Day 22, Began 1:19pm
Dear Diary, when I went out after lunch, I decided now would be an excellent time to run some errands, the wind was blowing through the trees, and the sun was shining. I started off my errands by returning Pa-chiku's watch. Lucky for me he was still at home, and he gave me a green futon couch. Now that I have a couch, I seem to be getting these futon couches all the time. My next task also involved Pa-chiku, I was asked by Ram-lu to deliver some yellow plaid clothes to Pa-chiku. When I did, Pa-chiku gave me some purple tie-dye outfit, which I had previously owned.
What else did I do? Oh yes, I brought Éclair her pocket pikachu she had left at a neighbor's. She was so happy to see it that she started singing after she gave me my 557 bells reward. I spoke to her briefly again, and she asked me to return John's gameboy for her. I willing did so, and guess what? That's right! He paid me in cash too, 747 bells.
Next I brought Frostbite some new clothes from his neighbor Kurubushi. The outfit was white with gold sewing in it. It looked quite dashing. I wonder what it would look like on myself. Maybe another time. Again, I was paid in cash. 223 bells this time. Cheap skate.
I spoke with Ma-ru, and she gave me a picture book to return to Gewoashikofu. I skipped along down the path towards his house hoping for more cash, as today has been like a windfall of money. Lo and merrily, he did pay me cash. 423 bells, to be exact. Wonderful! Before I headed back home, I asked him if he had anything he would like me to do for him.
I ended up delivering a cream colored outfit with stars on it to Éclair, as Gewoashikofu wanted her to have it. My final task netted me another 218 bells. Tired, and a lot wealthier than I had been. I went to bed.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.