Nick's Diaries
Day 23, Began 5:20pm
HRA Rating - 8511
Clean Fossils Delivered - Swimming Dinosaur Head, Pterodactyl Body, and Stegosaurus Body.
Dear Diary, today I am Link for I have purchased the Master Sword from Tanuki. Yes, THE MASTER SWORD! I AM ALL-POWERFUL! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. I also bought the same star clothes as I delivered to Éclair the other day. They look better on me.
The first thing I truly noticed today was that my apple tree was grown. I now have three kinds of exotic fruit in my village. Yay me!
I started my day knowing I would not have much time for errands, so I began at the trash heap. I recovered a pink & white-checkered outfit, and the zipper outfit. The zipper outfit scares me. It has a zipper on the front, the back, each sleeve, and the hat! Who the heck has such a big head that they need to zip off their hat?
I left the trash heap and began shaking up trees, knowing I needed money. I have mastered the art of bee catching, for I am Link reincarnated and I know I have had to chase many beings down with my net. The first bee I discovered near Ma-ru's house, I had just shaken the tree and knocked down the beehive, I ran a step, whipped out my net, and spun and caught it. WOOP WOOP, WOOP WOOP (as the music effect sounds like)!
I continued wandering through the forest shaking trees, hoping for either furniture or more bees. I went on for a minute or two with nothing dropping out of the trees, and then I noticed a crack in the ground. When I dup up the crack it ended up being a Haniwa that resembled Ma-ru's weird heart-topped one. I immediately knew I had to sell it.
I turned to continue bee hunting, and the very next tree I shook had a beehive in it. Again, a masterful capture! Oh yes, practice makes perfect! Knowing I had no time for the moment, I headed back home after selling my haniwa & bees.
Day 23, Began 7:32pm
Dear Diary, I was able to squeeze in another half-hour. I quickly ran some errands while waiting for Totakeke to appear, as it is Saturday night. I returned some glasses to Bu-ke, and was paid with paper.
I then returned Amo-re's pocket pikachu, and got horrible steel panel wallpaper. I believe this wallpaper exists in one of the other four sheds.
I also returned Ram-lu's glasses, and again, was paid with paper. As I wandered the town, no one else seemed to need anything done, so I went back to my previous career. They call me The Bee Hunter! CRIKEY! The next bee I ran into was an awfully mean bee, not only did I not catch him, but he MAULED ME! I was horribly disfigured and scarred for life. Well, not really. I was scarred until I woke up. Haha.
After the bee incident I heard the bell tolling 8pm. I raced to the Train Station and listened to Totakeke sing his song. How very cool is this one (I believe it was Totakeke 8 in our Archives). After he was done, I took my tape and headed home.

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