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Nick's Diaries

Day 24, Began 9:58am

HRA Rating - 9339

Clean Fossils Delivered - Pteranodon Wing, Trilobite x2.

Dear Diary, today was my most exciting day yet! I left my village to visit a friend!! When first I arrived in Moon Village I was totally lost. How different this village was from mine. When I finally found another map board, I located the Lost & Found where I knew I could get a map of this town from Copper (The Police Dog). I headed there straightaway.

I noticed that my friend seemed very bad at weeding her town, so I did it for her as I strolled along. Wow, an awful lot of weeds though. I finally arrived at the Lost & Found and was given a map by Copper when I told him I was visiting the town. I then began my rounds of introducing myself to the villagers so when I returned next time they would all know me.

Wow and Wow again! Moon Village has the coolest villagers! I have met many new people. I met Andes the condor, an orange-colored chicken, a white bird, a psychotic-looking panda, a nerdy duck, a superstar cat named Jane, a gray bear, and Lily the Frog.

I finished greeting all of these new people and then went to plant some fruit trees for my friend. I planted a peach tree, and a pear tree by the waterfall. I am so amazed at how very different her village is. I very much like the layout.

I then set out to finish some tasks for the residents of Moon Village. I began by returning Lily's glasses from the gray bear. As I strolled through town talking to them most of them did not have anything for me to do, until I came upon the nerdy duck. He wanted me to trade the Dragonfly I had for a plant with heart-shaped leaves. I agreed readily.

Oh, did I mention that it was horribly stormy in Moon Village? Thunder and Lightning, and POURING DOWN RAIN! It has never rained this hard in Villa Village. Anyways, after my trade with the duck, no one seemed to have anything for me to do, so I proceeded to hunt down bugs. The only new bug I could find was a black beetle with white spots on it. I caught it, of course, being the Ninja Master of the Net, and promptly decided to carry it to my village.

I knew my time here was running out, as I had to be home for lunch. I quickly mailed Sara another peach, and some clothes (which she didn't like, haha). One last stop to make before I get on the train. Tanuki's!

Ack! Tanuki's shop in this village his horribly small with no real selection. But there was one thing I have not yet seen before. It was a strange barometer. I knew I had to have it (I love shiny, spin-y things), so I purchased it. Oddly enough, he gave me a raffle ticket for Moon Village. I'm not expecting to be back on the last day of the month, so I'm not sure what I will do with this.

I ran toward the train hoping to not be late when I suddenly saw someone I recognized. Is it? No ... IT CAN'T BE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Gewoashikofu has left Villa Village to live in Moon Village. NO NO NO! I began to run in circles as one of my original and most friendly villagers left me for another village. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I had better not have some new freaky neighbor when I arrive home.

Day 24, Began 3:01pm

Dear Diary, I have returned home to confirm that where Gewoashikofu's house used to be there is a vacant lot. New to my village is a house near the waterfall ... it is inhabited by a freaking ape, named Matsusuru. Though he is poorly dressed, and appears slow, his house is decorated in the Native American style of my couch and bed. I can live with that.

I spoke to Matsusuru briefly, and he informed me how much he missed his friends in Moon Village, but he was happy to be here. I left Matsusuru and went to Tanuki's to make sure I didn't miss out on any cool items.

It ended up he was selling the carpet that matched the couch and bed I owned. I know this because I had just seen the carpet in Matsusuru's place, and they all looked like they belonged together. I bought the carpet for the sole purpose of having it in my catalog for later purchase, in case Native American was the style I decided to go with. Also, Tanuki converted my raffle ticket for Moon Village into a local raffle ticket for my own town. God I love that man, he is so, um, nice. Yes, that's it. Nice. I swear.

I left Tanuki's to go unpack my new plant and barometer. Doing so made me reduce my wardrobe, but I hadn't worn most of that stuff in days. So I was fine with that. After my grueling day, I laid down for a good night's sleep.

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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