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Nick's Diaries

Day 25, Began 11:20am

HRA Rating - 9435

Clean Fossils Delivered - Nautilus, Amber, and a Trilobite.

Dear Diary, my day started off very nicely. The first thing that happened as I walked towards the garbage heap was finding the sparkling spot in the ground. All it netted me was 1000 bells, but that is 1000 bells I didn't have before. When I arrived at the garbage heap, I discovered it was EMPTY! Nothing was there! How awful.

I left the garbage heap heading to Ma-Ru's house. Ma-Ru had some wallpaper she wanted to get rid of. She wanted me to pay 3000 bells. Reservedly, I agreed. She gave me the wallpaper, and as I was getting my money out, she said I only had to pay her 1900 bells instead. Wahoo! Maybe it was my Feng Shui in action! I quickly discovered it was a playhouse puzzle style wallpaper, and decided to sell it.

My fossils today were not worth very much... No dino bones. So I decided to hunt for bees. As I walked through town shaking trees I discovered the fortuneteller. I went in and visited her and though she did not give me any real fortune, she did tell me I would have good luck today. Maybe I will catch those bees I'm after.

I left the fortuneteller and got several trees away when a beehive dropped from the tree I was shaking. A BEE! I whipped out my net, ran a few feet, turned around and netted one of the swarm. The rest of the swarm flew off, phearful of my leet skillz.

As I strolled back to Tanuki's to sell the bee, I shook the three cherries out of my cherry tree and sold them as well. 6000 Bells for a few minutes work. Not bad.

This time, I walked east rather then South while hunting for bees. I passed by TongueTongue's house, but did not see her in the yard. I found no beehives there either, but I did see that today the big water lily in the lake had blossomed. How cool is that?

I vigorously shook every tree along the river, but alas, no bees. It wasn't until I was by the beach that I found the next beehive. This bee was also an easy catch, as the swarm flew by me.

I meandered through town, looking for another victim, I mean, bee, when I walked past the Lost & Found. Realizing I had yet to visit there today, I went inside to see if I had cough lost anything recently cough. Apparently I had lost my golf bag, who knew! When Officer B asked me if they were mine, I of course, said yes. He was glad I had found my belongings, and sent me on my way.

I sold the golf bag to Tanuki, and then went to the post office to pay off more of my debt. With my latest investment, I have paid off half of my debt on my current house. Yay for me!

I decided to run one more errand before taking a nap. I spoke with Ram-lu, who wished me to return Éclair's glasses to her. I gladly complied and received in return some hideous pink outfit with black & white polka dots. It was the most horrible outfit I had seen in days!

Day 25, Began 3:04pm

After my nap I started my afternoon off by running to see Matsusuru (the Ape), hoping to catch him at home so I could take a picture of his house. He was not at home, but he was nearby. He asked me to bring Bu-ke her camera back; he had borrowed it the previous day and was too tired to return it. I accepted the task, and quickly delivered to Bu-ke, who paid me with a sheet of paper.

I wandered through the most populated area of the village trying to find errands until Pa-chiku finally gave me a new task. I was to bring Gewoashikofu his watch. The only problem with this was that Gewoashikofu had recently moved to Moon Village. So there I was, standing in the middle of the village, holding a watch, and unsure what to do with it. I could not mail it from here, so I figured I had to hand deliver it. But when to do it?

After some frustration with the watch, I decided to hunt down the sole surviving bee of the day. I quickly found and captured him, and sold him for the cash he was worth. What a day. I headed to bed quite tired this day.

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