Nick's Diaries
Day 26, Began 11:22am
HRA Rating - 9435
Clean Fossils Delivered - Trilobite x2, and an Egg.
Dear Diary, when I started the day today, I still had a watch to deliver to Moon Village. When I finished the day, I no longer had the watch, and I had a new villager...
My day truly began at the Lost & Found where I discovered a cleaner Garden Pagoda for my house. It doesn't really match my current Garden Pagoda, but I like them both!
I didn't particularly have the capability to run errands, as I was in the middle of an errand (to Gewoashikofu), so no one wanted to give me more work. So I ran around digging up fossils. As I was coming down the hill by Bu-ke's house I discovered the Shiny Spot!! It only held 1000 bells, but I replanted the 1000 bells hoping no one would trample my little money tree.
I decided to see what all Tanuki had in the shop today. I strolled up and down the aisles, being followed by Tanuki, who must have thought I was going to rob him as he watched every move I made. Well, after a few minutes in the store, I decided to buy several things. I bought a yellow outfit with vertical black stripes and the #6 on it. I also bought the Native American looking carpeted hardwood floor. I then ordered the Pine Walls that I had previously owned out of the catalog. Tanuki said the Pine walls would arrive later today.
I stepped outside the store not sure what to do next.
I stood around breathing in the fresh air for a few moments before I realized I had not fished since the changing of the season. I'm sure new fish now populate the waters of Villa Village. If only I had known exactly what I was getting into...
I walked along the riverbank fishing every chance I got. I caught quite a few small green fish, but I also caught two very unique, very cool fish. The first was a black butterfly-finned goldfish. You know, the ones with the fancy flowing fins. The second, a colorful guppy! I like them both far too much to sell them, so I placed them in my home.
Not sure what else I could do without being able to run errands, I began to shake the trees as I walked amongst them. I ignored my neighbors for the most part as I methodically started shaking each tree I could find. Imagine my surprise when a leaf floated to the ground. The leaf, of course, being furniture in disguise. I raced home to see what it was. Interesting item to shake out of a tree. It is a huge rock! I would have been killed if that had fallen out on my side of the tree. I replaced the small mossy boulder in the corner with the big rock.
Again, I left my quickly filling home. Unsure what to do, I realized I had yet to visit the Garbage area. I ran over there as quickly as my little legs could carry me. Lo and behold, yet another leaf awaited me. This leaf turned out to be less interesting then my last one, though. It was a chalkboard, and someone had already scribbled all over it!
Tired from all my fishing and running, my bed looked very inviting.
Day 26, Began 2:50pm
Dear Diary, when I had awoke from my nap, I stepped outside to discover my Pine walls had been delivered, and were waiting for me inside my mailbox. I went back inside momentarily to put down the new flooring, and put up the new wallpaper.
Unable to run more errands, and not knowing what else to do, I went back to my old stand-by. Bee-hunting. Utilizing my superior bug-hunting skills honed through days of bug catching, I was able to quickly and efficiently capture two bees. One of the little buggers almost got me, but I was able to defeat him in the end.
Finally bored with attempting to hand back this watch to Pa-chiku, I decided to board the 3:30 train to Moon Village. The first thing I always do when visiting other towns is check out Tom Nook's store. Lucky that I did, as I found a Native American Coffee Table there. Native American furniture is, of course, the set that I am collecting.
Leaving Tom Nook's, I again noticed that Sara has been very lax about the weeds in her town... They're EVERYWHERE! I, being the nice guy that I am, proceed to pick every single one I could find. During my weeding, I ran around with a bug net catching new bugs! I caught, in all, about 5 new bugs.
I used my Moon Village Map to locate where Gewoashikofu had moved, and ran over there posthaste. Tired of carrying his watch, I happily handed it to him, for which he gave me some hideous pink & rose-covered wallpaper.
Tired out from weeding the town, I decided to go fishing once before I returned home and went to bed. Gah! A can! Nasty!
I uneventfully strolled back to the train station, and boarded the train for home. I arrived in town, and on my way home noticed a new villager. Piccolo is it's name. It is a bear. It likes pink, and it likes teddy bears. Pink = bad. Bears = good. I will try to avoid going in it's house.
I returned to my home, where I slept. A lot. Weeding is such hard work.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead & Megadoomer.com, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.
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