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Nick's Diaries

Day 3, Began 12:57pm

Dear Diary, it was raining today! I had not yet bought an umbrella, so I ran to the shop and purchased one. Luckily, today's umbrella was a white Asiatic style umbrella. I just might have bought it anyways. I wandered back to where Tanuki keeps the furniture, and for the third day in a row discovered he had Samurai doll/statue. He must have gotten a large shipment of them in.

I began the rest of my errand running by visiting Safurina, she had some clothes she was giving Bu-ke, but she didn't have time to take them over there herself. I was heading that way anyways, so I agreed to take them. When I delivered them, Bu-ke gave me some cash, an always-welcome gift.

As I wandered around the village on my daily rounds, I was roped into finding items for people. I found John his watch, and I discovered who had borrowed Éclair's game boy. In return for my hard work, they gave me a rusty barrel, and a metal desk, respectively. As I went to hock them at Tanuki's place, I noticed I had new mail. Ooh, maybe I got some mail from the museum.

Yes! I did! The museum sent me back three fossils they had cleaned for me. They ended up being a footprint, a nautilus, and an egg. None of them looked all that appealing in my house currently, so I sold them. They all netted me 1000 bell or more, EACH!

All this money was burning a hole in my pocket, so I ran to the PO (post office), and paid 6000 on my bill. The lady there is so nice, I think I will ask her name next time I visit. It always seems to be the same pelican working there.

As I strolled home, I saw Bu-ke visiting Ma-ru. I went to talk to her and discovered she had left her glasses with a neighbor. As I hunted them down, I discovered Safurina was missing her glasses too. The hunt was on. I wandered the whole town twice over, but I finally found their missing glasses. I was paid in furniture, yes! Bu-ke gave me a pink dresser, with hearts on it. I hated it immediately. Safurina, on the other hand, gave me a fancy white armoire. I decided to keep that and stuffed it in the corner. I was so tired I decided I needed a nap.

Day 3, Began 8:33pm

When I woke up from my nap, my back hurt. Stupid chair. I really need a bed. I decided to go lay down in Ma-ru's bed. She being my closest neighbor. As I lay there, I realized I had not spoken to Ma-ru outside of my tasks. Maybe she had a job for me. My luck was holding out, she needed her camera back from Chiamazu. When I brought it back she gave me some paper with a pink & yellow edging that looked like beads. I'd been thinking bad thoughts about Éclair, so I thought I would send her a nice letter. After I wrote the letter and had it posted, I went to talk to her.

She is so agreeable. She had some furniture she didn't want anymore that she gave to me. I took it home and discovered it was a primary color dresser. I hate primary color furniture (more than I hate hooligans, but less than I hate pigs. Except Pork, I don't hate him). I packed it up to sell. As I passed the stream on my way to Tanuki's, I saw the silhouette of a fish and decided to try my luck. It is raining, and evening time. Some fish like the dark, and/or the rain, better than sunny days. I caught a handful of common fish, ah well.

I sold the furniture, and the fish, yet I didn't feel quite ready to turn in. I went out to find another job I could do for someone. Alas, no jobs were to be found. So I decided to just talk to the villagers about the weather and what not. Gewoashikofu wanted to know what my favorite word was. After some thought, I decided I didn't want to tell him my favorite word, but I he insisted, so I told him it was "okay". He seemed totally excited to know this. Sometimes I think he is a bit weird.

As I continued to converse with the villagers, Chiamazu offered me a drink dispenser for 1000 bell. I love beverages, so I decided I must have it. When I ran home to set it up, it fit perfectly between my small Haniwa and my chair. How exciting, beverages whenever I am thirsty. Must remember to keep it stocked. Oh yes, when I purchased it, he seemed extremely happy, and got a little heart over his head. Maybe now he won't be so mean to me. He never has anything for me to do.

Oh, and the most exciting news of the day. While I was talking to Safurina, she mentioned her cousin had sent her a peach from another village. A peach! I had to have it, but she wanted 2800 for it. She waited for me while I reached a resolution to my inner struggles. I bought it, and I went to plant it forthwith.

I planted it on the far side of the housing complex I live in. I then went home to move my furniture around. When I finished that, I promptly ran over the little plant on my way to the trash. I hope I didn't trample it. I want it to live. All of the dying plants from yesterday are now completely dead and gone. How sad. On the up side, in the trash I found a red & black checkered outfit, which I am now wearing, and a totem pole. What a weird thing to have in your house. I understand why someone would throw it out. I sold it instead though.

Dear Diary, I must share a secret with you. Éclair has repeatedly asked me for a humbug. I'm not exactly sure what she is talking about, though in retrospect, she could be asking for a secret language, and not a humbug at all. Oh, and hopefully, next time, a bed.

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