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Nick's Diaries

Day 4, Began 11:35am

Dear Diary, today is a banner day for me. I received a lot of mail today, the most I've ever gotten in one day. The first letter was from the Happy Room Association; they say that my current rating is 7315! Wow, I think that is high. I also received more cleaned fossils. One of the fossils was a tail! I stored that one in my Haniwa outside with a high price tag so I don't think anyone will buy it, and it doesn't clutter up my home. The other two fossils were a footprint, and a nautilus.

After I checked my mail I made sure the peach tree was growing. It was, it is almost twice as big as it was yesterday. I'm quite sure that it will be a big healthy peach tree. I can't wait to see it.

At Tanuki's place, the first place I go every day, I sold my two small fossils and bought new flooring for my house. It has a hardwood edging, and tatami mats in the middle. It's so fancy! I also noticed he was no longer selling the samurai statue's. He now had a golden dog dish. I also bought a new shirt & cap. It is midnight blue, with a light blue design much like my umbrella. How cool is that!

When I left Tanuki's shop, I wasn't sure whom to visit first, so as I wandered I walked past the garbage heap, and as luck would have it, there were two new items there. One was paper, with an interesting bamboo design, and a panda in the corner. I'm not sure what the furniture was because I accidentally sold it to John. Ah well. I hope it wasn't a bed.

As I talked to my neighbors, I discovered we had a new resident. Her name is Karupi, and she is a brown cow. She lives by the beach, and has a well decorated home. All of her furniture is wicker! Every last piece of it! She also has a pet parrot, with bright red plumage! When we first met she noticed I had captured a butterfly and wanted it for her self. She offered me some new clothes for it. I agreed. Sadly, the clothes ended up being an unattractive orange with a darker orange jagged stripe.

I continued my trek through the village and stumbled upon a Giraffe with a car! Wow, that car sure is dirty! I spoke with the owner of the car and it seems she simply doesn't like physical labor. She offered me a new shirt & cap if I would polish her car. I wanted to see more of the car, so I accepted. Grace (the Giraffe) thanked me when I was finished, and gave me an orange & black striped get-up that I absolutely hated. It seems to be a very orange day for me.

I was so tired after polishing that car that I decided not to run errands for a while. Instead I went treasure hunting. I found some more cash in a sparkly crack, but only 1000 bell this time. I wish someone would bury 10,000 bell again, that would be super! I also dug up two new Haniwa. One made a drum-like sound, the other, a bell sound. I didn't like either of them, so I sold them. I also found and posted 5 fossils to the museum. I hope one of them is part of the skeleton I have the tail for. I might just keep that in storage until I have a bigger home! While I was at the PO, I also paid 6000 on my bill. At this rate, I will have my house paid off by the end of the week. Then I get to have a bigger home!

It was almost 12:30pm by the time I started my daily errand run. When I spoke to Gewoashikofu, he gave me a directional arrow sign he didn't need anymore. This is the second sign he has given me. I have no use for them. I also brought some glasses to Safurina, and in return she gave me a very strange outfit. It is black, and has a zipper up the front, & on the cap! I felt like I should be wearing black leather, and wielding a riding crop. It was unseemly, so I sold it.

Ma-ru wanted her watch back, but everyone I spoke to sent me to someone else. It ended up Éclair had her watch, and they are almost next-door neighbors! Ah well, I got some cash for that trip. I brought another pair of glasses to Safurina, and she paid me with a blue chair. It is bigger than my wooden chair, but I am holding out hope for a bed ... or furniture that fits into my theme better, so I sold it.

I brought Chiamazu a new set of clothes, a gift from Karupi, and he gave me a ridiculous crossing guard doll/statue thing with an arm that bobs back and forth like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. I sold the crossing guard and the blue chair, and netted me some much needed cash.

Day 4, Began 4:51pm

Dear Diary, still no sign of a bed. Will I be sleeping in the chair again tonight? I hope not. I delivered some clothes to Éclair, and she gave me her old outfit. Ugh, I didn't like her outfit in the first place, and I'm certainly not going to accept it right after she takes it off. To be sold! I brought Éclair her glasses, and, Gosh Darn it, it is a conspiracy, she gave me the same stupid crossing guard that Chiamazu gave me earlier. She must have bought it from Tanuki.

As I was making my final rounds for the night, Ma-ru asked me to bring Éclair a book. I rushed to Éclair's thinking it was my turn to score a bed! Alas, no bed was I given. I did score a mossy boulder. Yes Diary, A MOSSY BOULDER. I kept it; it is behind the garden pagoda in my house. Maybe one day I will have some plant life, and a pond to put near it.

I returned a tablecloth to Ma-ru (she forgot it at the last party), and got something weird in return. It was a satellite. Not a satellite dish, but an actual satellite. The little wingie-things were even spinning. It must have fallen into her yard or something.

My final two jobs entailed visiting Bu-ke ... both were a clothes delivery. That's right. She got new clothes twice in one day. The first time she paid me cash. The second time, I got a leaf. A leaf is furniture. I crossed my fingers hoping for a bed. Time to head home for the night.

As I was strolling home, I said goodnight to the neighbors I passed. Safurina bought the fish I hand on hand, for cash, and John traded an outfit for the butterfly I had caught a while earlier. Sadly, the outfit he gave me was the McDonalds uniform I had gotten rid of.

When I walked through the door, I whipped out the leaf I had gotten from Bu-ke. I threw it down on the floor praying for a bed. ROCK ON! A BED! It is a wooden frame bed with a Native American design on the blanket. At last, I can sleep in a bed. I had to move my furniture around to make it fit. I got rid of my extra table, and moved my clothes away from the window. Now, when I lay down to sleep I can look out the window and see the stars. What a great day!

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