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Nick's Diaries

Day 6, Began 12:51am

Dear Diary, I have bad news. Tanuki's shop is still closed. What am I going to do with all this stuff? I have just received in the mail three huge fossils. They fill my house, so I cannot have them. One is the body of a pteranadon; the second is the body of some sort of swimming dinosaur, while the third appears to be the neck of a brontosaurus or something. This store being closed so unpleasant, I hope he finishes soon.

Let me think, what did I do today. I met my newest neighbor while I was doing my afternoon jog. His name is Pa-chiku. He is a blue bird of some sort. The first thing I noticed about him was he is a snappy dresser. The outfit he is wearing is, well, best described as a kiwi-style. It is kiwi-fruit green, with little black seeds in it. It is one of the best outfits I have seen my neighbors wearing!

I finished my daily jog at the trash heap, to see if there was anything cool there. As luck would have it, as it usually does for me, there was stuff at the trash. There was an unsightly fading pink outfit that faded from pink to white, and an ugly red/green/white paneled umbrella. I would sell them, but the store is still closed.

As I started out towards Ma-ru's house, I thought I hadn't shaken money out of a tree in a while. I best do that now.


I tried to run, but they were too fast for me. I was horribly mauled by them, and left for dead. All right, it wasn't that bad, but it sure felt like it. I finally reached Ma-ru's house avoiding all trees along the way. When I got there she was sympathetic about my bee stings, and gave me a task. She had bought a new outfit for Éclair, and needed it delivered. I did so willingly, knowing I would score a gift. When I got to Éclair's, she too was sympathetic about my bee stings, and in return for delivering her new clothes, gave me a pastel flowery outfit. Kind of nifty, I saw it in Tanuki's shop the other day, but had decided not to buy it.

Among all my other attempts to get work, only two more succeeded. I returned glasses to Karupi, and got a white & pink coffee table that I buried outside Tanuki's, and I returned John's book, for which I was given a sewing machine. I can't sew, so it was buried!

I decided I was getting far too many items buried outside Tanuki's place, and I had better stop for today. I didn't want to have to dig up the flowers I planted around his shop to make room for my buried stuff.

On a final note, Safurina & Gewoashikofu are off my Christmas card list. They laughed at me when they saw my horribly disfigured face. Those meanies!

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