Nick's Diaries
Day 7, Began 9:03am
Dear Diary, what news! Tanuki's new store has opened, and it is so cool! It is a bright white convenience store with an automatic door. Now that he was finally open again I could sell everything I'd been wanting to sell. I sold my last three days worth of fossils, unwanted furniture, and ugly apparel. Between all that, I cashed in on over 30,000 bells. More than enough to pay off my house! Yes!
I'm so excited that my early morning recap will be brief. I got three more large bone structures today, and I sold off the one outside in my hooligan storage device. I did keep one of the new ones that arrived today. It was the head of a T-Rex. That is a definite keeper.
At the store, I bought a #5 outfit, and a new tool. THE AXE! WOOHOO! Now I can clear some paths through those horribly tangled forest areas. I also bought another umbrella that seems to be an antique wooden Chinese umbrella. I saw that Chiamazu had one, and since then I've always wanted one.
Before I returned home to eat my wheaties, I stopped by the trash. Wow, what a good day. I found the #6 outfit, and a daisy umbrella. I look cute beneath the flower, and it matches my pink daisy outfit so I will keep this umbrella too.
Day 7, Began 2:36pm
I was so excited after everything that happened this morning that I had returned home for a nap before beginning my daily errand run. When I ran out my door I found some strange mole in my yard. He screamed and ranted and raved at me. He seemed to think I had done something wrong. I don't like him. He was very mean. He waved his pickaxe very close to my head. It seemed unsafe.
What errands did I run today? Hmmm ... I returned some glasses to Karupi, and was paid with some paper. I'll need this for posting fossils. I returned a picture book to Bu-ke, and received a white chair that matches my armoire in return. Oh, this is something new; I had to find Pa-chiku's pocket pikachu. When I did return it, he gave me a little Japanese grill. It looks so cool! This is a keeper!
OH! We have a new neighbor today. He is an orange coloured chicken. His name is Frostbite. He had apparently met all my other neighbors, because he had left his watch at one of their houses. I hunted it down for him and he gave me some paper as payment.
I decided I would run one last errand, it ended up being bringing clothes to Safurina. When I was finished, Safurina too gave me paper. I have lots of paper for posting fossils today. Too bad I didn't dig any up today. Ah well.
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