Nick's Diaries
Day 9, Began 1:27pm
HRA Rating - 7850
Clean Fossils Delivered - Pteranadon wing, 2 brontosaurus heads.
Dear Diary, today I have decided on a new format for the stuff I record every day. I hope that it works, if not, I will find a new format. Let me think... What did I do today ... Oh yes, I met a new neighbor. His name is Kurubushi. He is a rhino. I like him, and he has a very cool house. The coolest house I have ever seen. Funnily enough, the first errand I ran today was for him. He had lost his glasses (rhino's have very poor eyesight you know). I hunted them down for him all across the village, and finally recovered them. He paid my for my task with some yellow plaid clothes that I knew I would sell.
Kurubushi lives not far from Frostbite (the chicken), so I went to Frostbite's to see if he needed anything. He wanted to trade for my ladybug I had with me (always have a bug handy, I say), I agreed, and he gave me a life-size Spaceman figure. I'm not impressed. In fact, I was so unimpressed, that I went looking for fossils before continuing on my tasks.
WoW! Today was a banner day for fossil finds. I dug up and posted 5 fossils. When you post 5 items, the back counter at the post office is full, and they wont accept any more letters for a while. I also found a Haniwa. It was a short ugly one that honks! I ended up selling it.
I went back to my tasks starting at Éclair's house. She had apparently also bought a pocket pikachu after having seen Pa-chiku's. She left it at someone's house, but she didn't remember whose. After going door-to-door at a few neighbors, I found where she had left it and brought it back. She was so excited to see it returned that she gave me a tree. Not an outdoor tree, an indoor potted tree! How cool is that? When you get something cool like that you just want to spend the rest of the night staring at it.
Day 9, Began 7:58pm
OMG. I just realized today is Saturday, and I best run to the station to listen to Totokeke sing. This time, I prepared myself by sneaking in a micro-recording device. The song he sung is by far the coolest song I've ever heard! I have switched out the songs in my radio, and now it plays this tape. I've stored the old song in my armoire.

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