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66Stingray427's Diaries


Today was a very special day indeed I finally decided to give life a try without relying on the support of others. Starting with only $1000 (thank you for the graduation present grandma) I boarded a train and headed for Athens, which I was told was "THE" place to live. While on the train I met a very kind fellow by the name of Rover, he sat down across from me and we struck up a conversation. I explained that I was taking the first step to becoming independent, not to long after the topic of where I would be living came up. Unfortunately I hadn't thought of that in my haste to start anew. Rover told me he had a friend in Athens and he would see if he could pull a few strings. Rover proceeded to call a friend, a few minutes later he came back with good news. He told me his friend had some upscale property for sale at rock bottom prices and he had set up an appointment with the realtor. A few minutes later we pulled into Athens, Rover and I said our goodbyes as he was going on to the next town. Obviously the realtor was commissioned because I no more than got of the train before I was greeted by Tom Nook. After exchanging pleasantries he proceeded to show me the for Condos he had available. Being as Green is one of my favorite colors I naturally chose the house with the green roof. After I picked out the house came the worst part, I realized I had no where near the amount of money to pay for this house, I thought "oh well, thank goodness for credit cards," and then I remembered I had maxed out my credit cards buying performance parts for my Corvette back home. I wish I had at least been able to bring my Corvette with me but alas my parents said I was free to go as I please but if I wanted to start out new I couldn't take my car. Thankfully Tom agreed to let me take out a mortgage on my new house, we worked out the agreement and he offered me a job to get started on the road out of debt. Later on that day I stopped by Nooks Cranny, it seems Mr. Nook is quite the entrepreneur, to get my first job. I quickly learned the job and had finished all the tasks Mr. Nook had to offer within an hour. After punching my time card at Nooks Cranny I decided it was the perfect time to go talk with my new neighbors. I found them all to be charming people and was very pleased with the selection of villagers in my new home. They are:

Friga - Bird
Tom - Cat
Peaches - Horse
Blathers - Owl
Rosie - Cat
Boots - Alligator
Tortimer - Turtle
Filbert - Squirrel
Pelly - Pelican
Cooper - Dog
Booker - Dog
Porter - Monkey

After meeting all of the villagers I proceeded to offer my services to the animals, which manly consisted of delivering or picking up items from one animal to another. After tiring of running errands I decided to just explore the town. I found a spot near the Post Office that seemed to be glowing so needless to say I pulled out my shovel and began digging, lucky me I found $1000 I figured that if digging could be this prosperous I would travel the town in search of items or money I could uproot. At the end of my excavation I managed to come up with 3 fossils and quite a few other various items. With my new found items and money I decided it would be time for me to go back to my house and take a rest. When I got home I noticed the flag on my mailbox was up, knowing I had no out-going mail I checked the box and found a letter, my first letter. It was a letter from Nintendo congratulating my independence, I was very excited with my first piece of mail but even more so when I realized their was a present attached to my letter. I immediately opened the present only to find another parcel, a grab bag, I proceeded to open the grab bag and found that Nintendo had sent me a copy of NES Golf, NES Donkey Kong, and a copy of a KK Slider love song. After checking out my new games and taking a short rest I decided I'd set of for the nearby village of Paris. I headed to the train station and talked to Porter about catching the next train. Not long afterward, a train pulled into station to take me to Paris. On the short train ride I met up with Rover again, and he kept me company throughout the train ride. Finally the train pulled into Paris so I decided I would go to the Police Station and get a map. After picking up a Map I went out in search of treasure, foreign fruit, and new friends. I quickly ran across an apple orchard so I filled my pockets quickly. It seems though that one of the other residents had already plundered all of the treasure so I moved on to my third goal, to make new friends. With map in tow I went around talking and making friendly with all of the neighbors, not long after I met up with a Squirrel with whom I became good friends. When the Squirrel and I wrapped up our conversation I figured it was about time to get back to Athens. Again I went to see Porter at the train station and he put me on the next train back home. I met up with Rover yet again on the train, he must be trying to build up his "Train Miles", we talked and then as quickly as I had left I was back in Athens. I felt good upon my return knowing my pockets were full of non indigenous fruit that would probably prove to be very profitable. I took all of my fruit to Nooks Cranny and unloaded it at $500 per fruit. Between all of the work I had done for Tom, the deliveries I had made for my new friends, my treasure money, and my fruit gathering escapades I had amassed enough money to pay off my home. I went to the Post Office to make my final mortgage payment, boy seeing my account balance reduced to zero was a pretty site. I felt sure Tom would be ecstatic since he had suggest I repay $1000 a week, so I went to pay him a visit. He was even more pleased than I had imagined, so much so he offered to remodel my home. I picked out some of the particulars and he told me he would get to work on it tomorrow. I believe for the rest of the day I will probably just meander thorough town picking up the occasional odd job from the villagers and enjoying my freedom.


1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.

2. You can save your NES data (it takes one block)

3. You have three choices for the sound the Animals make when they speak: Animalese, Bebebese, or Silent (I went with Animalese which is what you hear in all of the AC media)

4. Your name can be up to eight (8) characters long

5. Your towns name can be up to eight (8) characters long

6. Your grab bag will more than likely include two (2) random NES Games and one KK Slider song

7. When you start your house has a radio and a desk with a calendar. Most importantly by activating the calendar you get an option to make diary entries.

8. When you start a new village all of the locations are randomized. (IE: the Police Station could be in A1 in your village and in D2 in your friends village)

9. When sending a letter to a friend you can only include one item or $1000 per letter

10. I don't believe you exchange a villager every time you visit a friend but I have noticed when you visit a friends village and they in turn visit your village that is when a new villager will move in.

11. Fruits I have found so far: Pears, Cherries, Apples

12. When you attempt to save your game you are presented with two options: "Save and Quit" or "Save and Continue" (should you select "Save and Continue" only to change your mind and power off the system Mr. Resetti will be waiting for you)

13. Mr. Resetti seems to have approximately seven (7) different rants and one is actually from his brother Don (who doesn't have such a hot temper)

14. Most importantly regarding item trading it will be completely safe for the following reasons: Any item you acquire such as a "rare" NES game is then available for purchase from Tom Nooks catalog so if you were to get ripped off and lose your NES game you can just order a new one from Tom. I managed to get an extra copy of Donkey Kong which I sold (I can't remember for how much) but if I wanted it back it's only $750 from Toms catalog

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