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66Stingray427's Diaries

Day 11 Afternoon (August 30, 2002) - Day 12 (August 31, 2001)

Well diary it's after 2:00AM and I'm not very sleepy so I figured this would be the perfect time to get you up to date. When I finished my last entry I was heading out on my date. We were supposed to meet in front of the wishing well for a picnic lunch. I got everything ready and headed out the door with plenty of time to spare. I figured it would be better to be an hour early than a minute late. I got to the well about twenty minutes early and I spread out a blanket and unpacked lunch.

I noticed a soccer ball was lying near the well, being a good citizen I figured I'd take a quick look around and see if I could find it's owner. I never did find the owner so I just kicked the ball towards the ocean. It may seem mean but my temper was flaring again, I saw my date laughing and having a good time with Stu the bull. I was furious but I'm glad that I found that soccer ball or I might never have known. I don't know what it is about me and squirrels, first Sally now this. I decided to just let Stu have her, without a fight, she definitely wasn't worth my effort. With no date I figured I might as well head home and see if my furniture had come. I was overjoyed when I saw the flag on my mailbox was up. I don't know how Pete managed to stuff all my stuff in there but I was grateful nonetheless. It took me about an hour, would have been a lot longer if Tank hadn't been around to help, to get everything unpacked. Considering my last HRA score was below a thousand points I figured I needed a woman's touch to help with the decorating. Luckily I found Julie at home and she came over to help me. Julie worked on the upstairs and I did the first floor. I'll have to admit my bedroom looks a lot better than my living room but it's getting better. Now my dream of a second floor bedroom has been realized. I've got all the necessities and then some. Julie managed to fit my Cabin Bed, Cabin Couch, Dresser, Vanity, Rocking Chair, Famicom, and a plant she brought as a house-warming gift. We had a little argument over the wallpaper and carpet selection; about the only thing we agreed was that Toms stuff was awful. Julie wanted fancy and I was seriously considering putting up my Mobil 1 textured wallpaper. She told me it wasn't a garage and if I wanted her help I'd do what she said. Needless to say I now have some extravagant carpet with wallpaper to match, maybe some day I'll see if Tom can put on a garage. It took quite a while but things were coming together. The bedroom was perfect, the first floor looked good a little to spacious but I can fix that. As for the basement we're not even going to discuss that mess. Julie and I got a quick bite to eat and I saw her to the Train Station. I told her how much I appreciated her help and gave her a very rare carpet for her house. Now that my house was livable and most of my daily chores were done I figured it was time to move to more important things, a date for Saturday night. I know for sure I'm never going out with a squirrel so I figured I'd just get up my nerve and ask Britney out. I went over to her house looking pretty dapper if I do say so myself. I was a little nervous but I figured at the very worst she could say no. I held my breath and knocked on the door. I waited and knocked again, but none came. I spoke with her Gyroid and he told me she was out but I could go in and make myself comfortable. Well I thought this a little strange at first and then I thought, this would be the perfect way to get an idea of her likes and dislikes, figured I might be able to get some ideas for gifts. I went in and I was kind of shocked. The villagers had all made a big fuss over what a rich and famous person she was but from the look of her house I think they must have got their stories wrong. She had an old crate with a calendar on it. No carpet, no bed, nothing. Her situation is none of my business but I figured the best way to make a good impression would be to decorate her house; I'll have to thank Julie later for helping with my decorating skills. I headed over to Toms to check out the catalog and see if I could find a bed and some other essentials. Before I left I had ordered a Cabin Couch, Cabin Bed, Cabin Wallpaper, a big plant, and a new calendar. I went home and played a couple NES games while waiting for my shipment. To my surprise everything showed up about an hour later, now that's quick service. I took everything over to Britneys and left it along with a note. I went back home and caught up on my letter writing, had a bite to eat, and waited to see if I was going to get a chance to meet Britney before I went to bed. I stayed up until about 1:00AM waiting but she never came home, oh well I left my note and gifts so I felt sure I'd hear from her soon enough. I headed up to my room and feel right asleep. I woke up with a feeling that this would be a great day. Today was the big raffle over at Nook Way and I just might get to meet Britney. I had an apple for breakfast and headed to the basement to round up all of my raffle tickets. I had almost eighty tickets so I felt pretty confident in my chances. I went to the Nook Way and Tom explained how the raffle worked, I could have probably figured it out on my own but you know Tom. He had three prizes this time a beautiful Ivory Grand Piano, which I was really hoping to win, a Jukebox, and a suit of genuine Samurai armor. I turned over my tickets and to my surprise I won, not one prize, not two prizes, I won everything. I was so overjoyed, in fact I was ecstatic when I found out I won the piano let alone the other two items. I had to have some help with the piano but I finally got everything home, makes me glad I don't live to far from the Nook Way. The piano is probably my favorite piece in my whole house so I decided to put it in the middle of the living room. I put the armor in the living room as well and I put the jukebox in the basement, as it really didn't go with my décor. I went outside to get today's mail. I got a couple things from the museum, another letter from mom, and a letter from Britney. I went straight for Britney's letter and pushed everything else aside. She thanked me for the furniture, apologized for not introducing herself yesterday, and told me we should set up a date. I figured she must be busy this weekend so I'd just send her a letter at the beginning of the week to set something up. I still needed something to do this evening. I called up everyone I knew, I even offered to take a couple of buddies to se K.K. Slider perform tonight. It seems that everyone was busy with early Labor Day plans. I ended up going to see K.K. by myself but like last week I had a great time. I felt kind of sorry for him, as I was the only guy there when he set up but he didn't mind, it just gave us more time to talk. I listened to a couple of tunes and told him I had to run, before I left he game me a copy of his latest single, wouldn't even take anything in return. I thanked him and told him how much use I'd gotten out of the CD he gave me last week. I was getting pretty tired, must have been all the furniture moving, so I headed home. As soon as I hit the door I was so tired I almost fell asleep in the entryway. I staggered up the steps. I didn't even take time to put on my pajamas; I just hopped into straight into bed and fell fast asleep.


1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.

2. You can't mail turnips or living things

3. Designing textures on the GBA is free

4. Stupid me I thought that to get rid of weeds you had to dig them out but come to find out if you go up to a weed and press "B" your character will pull weeds

5. Visitors can't mess with custom signs in your village

6. You can place up to four items in your gyroid

7. You have the option of putting prices on items that are stored in your gyroid. If you do this other humans can purchase your goods if they so desire.

8. If someone purchases one of the items contained in your gyroid you will get the money the next time you speak with your gyroid

9. Toms raffle is the last day of every month

10. There are three prizes that you can win in the raffle

11. Tom will use a little machine to select a ball "lottery style" and this determines the winner.

12. The balls meanings are as follows: Gold, Blue, and Red are winners of the first, second, and third prizes (respectively) and finally white means you lose

13. You can't do any shopping during raffle day

14. You can use your tickets in other peoples towns

15. There are fifty-five (55) K.K. Slider songs to collect


Your adventure will begin with you on a train with an unknown destination. You will be greeted by a friendly cat by the name of Rover. He will ask to sit down and ask you a series of questions. If you want your villager to look as "cool" as possible answer his questions honestly and politely. Once you get off the train, thanks to Rover, you will be greeted by Tom Nook. He will show you the only available real estate in town. You will now be given the choice of four "shacks." Once you select a home Tom will ask you to confirm that you have found the one you want. Now he will explain how numerous features work and most importantly present you with the bill. Unfortunately he's not to happy when you only hand over $1000 but being a nice fellow he agrees to let you work the rest off. He tells you to come to his shop immediately. After he leaves you can do as he asks or explore your town, which I suggest you do. To get an idea of the layout follow the cobble stone path north from your house to find a map at the train station. After you've met the villagers and checked out your indigenous fruit and other things of that nature you should head to Nooks Cranny. Tom will present you with eight simple tasks all aimed at getting you on your way to being a successful inhabitant. Toms jobs are as follows:

1. Tom will give you an official work uniform, which you must wear while working for him. After you have changed into your uniform you will be instructed to spruce up the show by planting flowers and a couple trees near the shop. You can plant them in anyway you like, in fact you can even plant the flowers behind your own home if you wish, Tom will never know.

2. After you return from planting Tom will give you some time off to meet the villagers and the mayor. At this point you need to go speak with each villager (you don't have to go to any shops) and the mayor which will always be at the wishing well (select grandfather if you want to impress Tortimer). Keep in mind if you have already met the villager and the mayor before this point Tom will just skip over this job completely · NOTE: You will not be able to save until you complete this job

3. Your next job will be to deliver a piece of furniture

· NOTE: After you complete this task you will get a map of the village that you can carry around with you

4. Now you will be asked to write a simple letter of advertisement to one of Toms patrons. You can type any message you choose and then proceed to the Post Office to mail the letter · NOTE: If you mess up just see Tom and he will offer you more paper

5. You will now be on your own to find work from a villager while Tom prepares your next job. Simply speak with a villager of your choice and ask for a job. More than likely your first choice will present you with a simple task of delivering one item to another villager (you can do as many tasks as you like) After running a minimum of one errand go back to Nooks Cranny for your next job.

6. Next you will deliver a carpet to one of your fellow villagers. In return for your delivery the recipient will give you their old carpet.

7. Next you will deliver an axe to the villager that you originally wrote a letter to. At this point Tom will explain that as tempting as it may seem you can't use any items that are intended for someone else. When you deliver the axe the villager will show you the letter you wrote to the earlier.

8. Finally you are to make an advertisement for Nooks Cranny on the town bulletin board. You can type anything you want, however keep in mind that what ever you decide on will be permanent.

Before you complete Toms tasks you can't pay of your village, shop in Nooks Cranny, or leave town.

After completing Toms tasks the game becomes a completely non-linear experience. You main goal is to continually pay off your mortgage and upgrade your house. Well since Tom is out of jobs and you still need money you'll have to look elsewhere. Below is a list of ways to attain money:

1. Visit your islander, if given fruit they will drop bags of money ranging in value from $100 to $30,000
2. Dig in the shiny spot found once daily in your village for a minimum of $1000
3. Fruit: Indigenous: $100 Per, Coconuts: $200 Per, Non Indigenous: $500 Per
4. Sell Bugs
5. Sell Fossils
6. Sell extra on unwanted items
7. Sell Fish
8. Sell Paintings
9. Use your axe or shovel on rocks
10. Sell items to other humans in your town or to a human visiting your village

While money is quite easy to come by there is no rush to pay of your mortgage. Animal Crossing is one of those games that it would be very hard to tire of. For entertainment you can always play NES Games, Hunt items for the museum, fish, decorate your home, run errands, shop, not to mention celebrations, and special visitors who will come to your town throughout your Animal Crossing life.

This guide should get you started on your way to having a great time with one of the top games out there!!!

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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