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66Stingray427's Diaries

Day 13 (September 1, 2002) Day 16 (September 4, 2002)

Diary I'm really busy and I don't have time to go into detail of all my latest undertakings but I wanted to hit some high points and maybe I'll get some free time soon.

Now that August is over I've noticed that fishing is a lot better. No more of those worthless jelly fish. Over the course of a few days I've managed to make almost a million dollars. If Tom's interested in a partner I just might by stock in his company.

My mortgage worries were over after my recent "fishing luck," as soon as I sold my last batch of fish at the Nookway I headed for the Post Office. I made one big payment of $728K and that finally settled my debt with Tom.

I headed over to the store to inform him that I would be expecting the deed to my house in this week's mail. Tom was thrilled at the news and he even felt guilty because he couldn't offer me another upgrade. I told him it was no big deal just being out of debt was good enough for me. He thought for a moment and then it came to him. He offered to make a monument to let the villagers know what a wonderful guy he thought I was. I was a little shocked but gleefully accepted. I'm really hoping whatever he's constructing will be finished tomorrow.

I don't have much to report on my love life. I've exchanged a few more letters with Britney. I took her over a rug today but again she wasn't home so I just left it at the front door. I think I'll go write her a letter right now; I don't want to be left to entertain myself on a Saturday night like I was last week. K.K. is great company but I think dinner and a movie would be better.


1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.

2. When using a golden shovel you become more likely to dig up better items and larger sums of money from the "glowing spots"

3. To get the golden shovel all you have to do is buy an additional shovel and proceed to the "glowing spot" dig the hole and rather than plant a bag of money plant your extra shovel. Now a golden sapling will appear. After it has matured you will have a golden shovel.

4. Once the Golden tree has fully matured shake the tree to get the golden shovel

5. There will be special furniture on special days

6. There are some rare furniture sets to collect, namely the Boxing and Backyard lawn set

7. Dirt spots ALWAYS remain dirt spots

8. There are no prizes for completing a "mini-town"

9. Toms last upgrade is a two-story department store named Nookingtons

10. Animals are very sensitive to grammar and punctuation. They also like long letters

11. Pioneers will be able to keep the memory cards as they will be compatible with the final version of the game

12. After paying off your final mortgage you can use the Post Office as a bank. You can deposit and now withdraw.

13. The only way to attract ants is with rotten turnips. So to complete your bug collection you're going to have to let some turnips go bad

14. K.K. Slider will ask for requests every Saturday and if you put in "Two Days Ago" you'll get a special song

15. You can attain a golden fishing pole by catching one of each fish.

16. There will be special (more than likely NES) giveaways through Nintendo

17. You can get a golden net (I have no more information on this)

18. Pioneers have the option of keeping or returning the Beta

19. Everyone should try the Tune that's in the manual (it's supposedly something special that's not the default song)

20. Fruit trees never stop producing

21. Speak with villagers for specifics on Feng Shui

22. The Signboard is the ONLY piece of furniture that can be used outdoors

23. E-reader officially launches on September 16, 2002

24. The Basement is not rated by the HRA

25. Feng Shui: Red:WEST Orange:NORTH Yellow:EAST Green:SOUTH

26. Fish appear only in the game as they would in real life. IE: If Bass are a Summer Fish then you will only be able to catch them in Animal Crossing during the Summer

27. You can exchange items by leaving them in your Island House and then trading Islands with a friend

28. Islanders don't eat money they just pick it back up if you direct them to (actually if it happens it will more than likely be an accident)

29. Gold Versions are the highest level of tools you can acquire

30. Wendell is a very hungry Walrus who makes wallpaper.

31. If an animal asks you do to a job that requires you to plant flowers they won't consider it an acceptable job until you plant three packets

32. You can get a Golden Axe by keeping your village at "Perfect Status" for two straight weeks (do this by getting tips from the wishing well)

33. Once you attain the golden axe you don't have to worry about it breaking ever again

34. "There are more than just a few NES games"

35. Toms store goes through three upgrades

36. Wisp will be present on random days between 12:00AM – 4:00AM

37. If you want to talk with Pete the mail carrier in person he delivers at 9:00AM and 5:00PM

38. You have to be outside to throw away a letter (this doesn't make any trash or litter the letters just disappear)

39. You can't use custom textures on the walls or floor of your beach house

40. If you have $99,999 and you sell something at one of Nooks stores he will say you can't carry any more money and he will have to put the extra in bags for you (he doesn't charge though, what a guy)

I'd like to make a sincere THANK YOU to the guys in charge of the Pioneer chat for trying to give out as much info as possible without any major spoilers. Without those guys I wouldn't have the majority of this information. As well I'd like to thank Mega for keeping the chat interesting. Without his constant "CAROUSE EVER. BROWSE NEVER. " comments I wouldn't have had time to keep up with all these notes, so THANKS MEGA

Expect a much longer diary in my future editions. This one is short and sweet as I wanted to give you guys the inside scoop on all the latest news.

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