66Stingray427's Diaries
Day 1 Evening - Day 2 Morning
After a great supper I decided it was time for some adventure. While I wasn't up for slaying dragons after a big meal I thought I might try my hand at fashion design. I ran down to Able Sisters, the hot clothing shop down by the beach to get some ideas of the latest trends. Turns out they were in serious need of some new designs. I told them I was pretty creative and would be more than happy to work on some designs for them. I decided I'd revamp their clothing line before moving on to accessories such as umbrellas. My first design was finished about twenty minutes later and to my surprise it turned out quite well. I showed the design to one of the Able Sisters and she was so impressed she asked if they could use it as a store display, to which I most eagerly said yes. Since they were so pleased with my work and I had no other pressing matters to attend to I figured I would finish another three designs so they could revamp their entire clothing line. Another hour into my work and I was finished and quite pleased with all of my designs, while I may not be on the same level as Donatella Versace, they look much better than the previous offerings from the store. By the time all of my designs were on display and I had settled my bill for all of the fabric and materials it was getting quite late, so I thought it would be a good idea to go around and talk to some of my good friends before they went off to bed. I ran an errand or two and struck up quite the conversation with my good friend Sally the Squirrel. I think she has a crush on me, as she's always telling me how deep my eyes are and dropping subtle hints about how she just loves getting letters. When I was finally able to get away from Sally I thought I'd hop the train and go visiting abroad. While on the train I was hoping to meet up with Rover so we could continue our last conversation but to my dismay he was nowhere to be found. After I had taken my seat and we started to roll away from the station an odd looking animal approached me, it looked like a cat, but it was the strangest thing, it had no face. It said down in front of me and began talking as if nothing was out of the ordinary, as politely as possible I explained that her face seemed to be missing. She explained that she must have washed it off and asked me if I could draw here a new face. I learned quickly that being a fashion designer and a face painter are quite different, but thankfully she just figured that anything was better than nothing. Soon the train came to a stop and I was yet again in Paris. I talked to some friends I had met earlier in the day and decided to go to the beach for a stroll in the sand. As I was collecting seashells I came upon a sailor who looked to have been dead drunk. I went over to him to make sure everything was all right, after a short time I was finally able to get him awake and on his feet. He explained that he was not drunk just a little clumsy as he had fallen, and from the conversation we had I assume that he does this quite often, off of his ship. He was very glad that I had came a long to help him up before high tide came in and showed his appreciation by giving me a very large statue, if he hadn't been carrying such a large item he probably wouldn't have fallen off the boat in the first place, but anyways. Everyone in Paris seemed to be slowly turning in for the night so I decided I better hop the train back to Athens. After an uneventful train ride, especially considering the happenings of my last ride, I was back home. It was very dark but I wasn't sleepy so I decided it would be the perfect time for some golf, and since Porter didn't know where I'd have to go to find the nearest Country Club, I decided I'd just use my NES. After eighteen holes I was well over par, not unlike the way I play real golf, the only difference was that I finished up in about an hour. I decided to give it another go and try to at least come up with par. Well after another eighteen my score was slightly better but still a few marks shy of Mr. Woods. It was now the middle of the night so I thought it the perfect time to take another stroll around the forest and see if any of my fellow villagers are night owls like myself, to my dismay all of my friends were in bed, Nooks Cranny was closed, and the lady working the night shift at the Post Office couldn't figure out why I'd want to mail a letter in the wee hours of the morning. Since the town seemed kind of dead I decided to go on a ghost hunt. While I didn't find a ghost it was quite the eventful search. I wondered around Athens until after 2:00 AM only to find nothing out of the ordinary, becoming bored and a little tired I decided I'd hop over to Paris one more time and see if I could locate an apparition. The first thing I came upon was an elephant sleeping out doors, I hated to disturb her but I thought she might have some leads as to where I could find a ghost. I think I about gave the poor thing a heart attack and for no reason as she knew nothing about ghosts. I continued my search near the lighthouse and found something very peculiar, a present attached to a balloon floating through the air. I chased the present for quite a while but I was never able to retrieve it. Being a little disgusted about the present I figured one last look around and then back home. I searched high and low and the only thing I found was a strange bird who was walking around the fountain in the towns square. I attempted to start a conversation with the fellow but he had the audacity to tell me I was strange for walking around in the middle of the night, I guess he must be strange too. After a wasted trip I was worn out and headed for home. A few minutes later I was in my own house. Thank goodness I have a posh rug because without a bed sleeping on the steel floor my house came with would have been brutal on my back. I must have really been worn out as I awoke at 9:30AM to find that my house had been completely remodeled, I had a new roof and a lot more space. It turns out my house was suffering from a dry rot problem so they fixed that as well. I found it amazing I was so tired I managed to sleep through all the construction. After taking a good look at my house I went outside to get my mail. I had four or five letters, most from friends that were moving in or out and wanted me to visit, but most importantly I finally received my letter from the museum and I have been accepted into their archeological program. Now I have to write what seems like a dozen letters and mail all of my fossils later today. The other letter I received was from a guy selling furniture who would be by in a day or two with his great bargains. Now that I'd read my mail and had my morning coffee it was off to see Tom and thank him for the wonderful job he did on my home. He greeted me as soon as I entered his shop and told me about a local interior decorating contest, which he wanted me to enter. I agreed and promised to keep my home in tip top shape. Before I left I noticed Tom had gotten in a butterfly net and an axe, I just had to have them both and he let me have them both for under $1000, which I thought was a great deal. I went home and began writing my letters to the museum, turns out I actually have twelve fossils that need cleaning and prep work before they can be displayed in the museum. After doing up about ten parcels I ran out of paper. I went to see Tom again for some new stationary but this time he wasn't very busy and had time to discuss my remodel. I told him how great it looked and he told me how expensive it was, boy I wish he'd told me this before he started the job. It came as a total shock to me that I would have to pay him anything put it turns out I now owe him over $140,000 I just about passed out in the store. He told me not to worry about the new mortgage as debt builds character, which it may, but certainly I don't need that much character. After the shock had worn off I realized that the job was well worth the price and I'd just have to make payment for the rest of my life. Now that I'm in debt up to my arse in debt I really don't know where I'll find the time to write my diary but I figure since the town usually rolls in the sidewalks about 10:00 PM that would be the perfect time to catch up on my writing.
1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.
2. The back ground music changes on the hour
3. Post Office: During the day Pelly is the receptionist and during the evening Phyllis is the receptionist (and Phyllis is not quite a friendly as Pelly)
4. Appearances by Blanca the cat are random and only occur when you are on the train. You can draw a new face for Blanca on every chance encounter
5. Tom Nooks store is open from 9:00AM to 10:00PM
6. Villagers begin going to bed around 10:00PM and until the next morning you are not permitted in their houses
7. Mail will only be delivered at night if you have a minimum of five pieces waiting to be delivered. If you do then Phyllis will reluctantly call Pete and your mail will be delivered immediately.
8. When you become very close to an animal they will tell you they need a new "pickup line" once you select a word they will use it after every saying.
9. After dark there are mosquitoes roaming the forest and you can get bit however your villager will just say it iches.
10. The affects of bee stings only last a matter of hours
11. You can save 160 letters and carry 10 letters in your backpack at one time.
12. Your diary is a monthly diary. You can make new entries every day but they will all be under the same heading IE: Augusts Diary
13. You can design and save up to eight (8) patterns at the Able Sisters Clothing store
14. The Able Sisters are open from 7:00AM to 2:00AM
15. After visiting two towns both after 2:00AM I have yet to find any ghosts.
16. You get a HEFTY mortgage after your home is upgraded. Unless you cheat paying it off in one day is not a possibility.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead & Megadoomer.com, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.
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