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66Stingray427's Diaries

Day 2 Evening - Day 3 Morning

This afternoon I had a quick lunch because I had to work on my game plan for getting rid of my terrible mortgage. After I grabbed a bite I went out to see if I had gotten any new mail, I love living in this town it seems the mail runs quite a few times a day. Sure enough I had a couple letters. I got a letter from Sally only to find out she was moving, and I thought things were going so well with her. Oh well things were getting a little hot and heavy and we'd only known each other one day. After trying unsuccessfully to figure out how I'm going to pay of my house I decided to find something to take my mind of it. I figured since I had a new butterfly net and an axe I'd go see what kind of trouble I could get in. Come to find out there isn't much to catching bugs if you are quiet and don't make any sudden movements you can walk right up to them and slam the net down over them. I managed to catch quite a few bugs. I felt sorry for Blathers over at the museum so I decided I'd make my first contributions. Come to find out Blathers and I share the same opinion on bugs, they're gross. However he was thrilled with the donations I made and even put my name on a plaque commemorating my donations. I told him I had been mailing in fossils left and right and hopefully by tomorrow I would have something to add to the Dinosaur wing of the museum. Being as how it's very nearby I thought I'd go talk to the wishing well and see if all was right in Athens. To my surprise the well thought that the area around Nooks Cranny was a little to sparse in the flora department. I guess this was a polite way of telling me I didn't do the greatest job when I planted those flowers for Tom yesterday. Well I figured if I wanted new people to come live in Athens I guess I better take note of the fountains advice. I went to the store and picked up some more flowers to plant, boy I hope the fountain was right, the flowers I picked out were almost $200 a piece. I went right outside and began "Operation Beautify Athens" when I got finished I washed my hands and headed back to the fountain to let it know of my doings. Rather than a congratulation, what do you expect from something made out of stone, it informed me that there were too many trees near the Post Office. Perfect time to try out that axe, I rushed over to the Post Office in eager anticipation of chopping down my first tree. Boy was it ever fun, it was hard to stop after only chopping down two trees but I figured I better go slow, don't want to have to plant trees and flowers over their too. I went back to the fountain and finally it had some encouraging words. It told me that everything was perfect and Athens was a very livable place. All that chopping really made me tired so I figured I'd be brazen and go visit Sally in Rome. I went to see Porter, I bet he must think I'm loaded as much as I travel, and told him I needed a little vacation. As luck would have it the next train was going straight to Rome, so I was off again. When I arrived in Rome it was starting to get dark, I didn't realize how much time had passed since I was working so hard on fixing up the town. As soon as I got off the train I headed straight for the Police Station for a map, and maybe to "claim" a few items from the lost and found. Unfortunately they didn't have any items looking for a new owner but I did get my map. Now I know where Sally lives so I was off for a visit. When I found her she was just wondering around in the orchard by her house. I ran over to her and started a conversation but to my great surprise she said "who are you" before she finally remembered, I guess she must be seeing the other Squirrel in town, what a two-timer, well I guess I'll have to be civil but no more special trips just for a visit. I knew a couple other people who had recently moved into town so I figured maybe they would at least remember their old buddy. Thankfully they did so that made me feel a little better. I ran a couple errands for them and "borrowed" a couple of oranges so I could plant an orchard. I figured if I had oranges I would have an endless supply of fresh orange juice, just one more thing I won't have to spend my hard earned money on. It was about 9:00PM so I figured I'd head back to my own village to say goodnight to my friends. A good friend by the name of Wilikai had sent me a note informing me I had an item to pick up from Nooks Cranny, must be a house-warming gift. I hustled over to Nooks before they closed and told Tom I had a pickup, after I gave him the info he handed over my gift. I rushed home to unpack my present and to my surprise it was a very cool aloe plant. I was thrilled, it looks great in my house and as many times as I seem to get stung it will come in real handy. After I picked out the perfect place to put my plant I decided I'd go and see Tom about a rug I had been eyeing all day, unfortunately by the time I made it back to the store they had already closed for the evening. No big loss I guess, I can't really afford a $3000 oriental rug with a mortgage my size. I had decided earlier on in the day since last nights ghost hunt was unsuccessful I'd try again tonight. Since I had a couple hours to kill until most ghosts would be out I decided to head back to Rome for some treasure hunting. I'm sure glad I went, as it was a very prosperous trip. I managed to find almost $2000 and quite a few fossils. I decided it was time to really put my axe to the test so I went on a mad wood-chopping spree. I chopped and chopped and chopped and then it happened, my axe broke, that's all I needed now I'm going to have to blow another $500 on a new axe. It was almost 1:00AM so I figured back to my village. I made it back pretty quickly so I decided I'd go see the Able Sisters. I guess since they're open so late it's kind of like a bar where I can just hang out. In fact it's just like Cheers, everybody knows my name. To my surprise a few of my designs had disappeared. It felt good to see people were interested in my designs, hopefully tomorrow I'll see a villager in one of my outfits. I guess if I'm so popular I better get to work on some new designs, I had some free time anyway. When I got done I had one of the sisters put away the crap they had on display and put up my Haute Couture. It was getting close to 2:00AM so I figured I better leave, as the ladies were getting ready to close soon. Now it was time for another ghost hunt. I searched the whole village twice over and didn't see one ghost. However since a few new guys had moved into my town the nightlife was a little busier. I ran into a bird by the name of Twirp who thought he was in the mafia. He told me he was now the towns self-proclaimed protector. He also mentioned my face, he noticed my bee sting I guess, and asked me who did it because he would ruff them up for me. Well I figured since it was after 3:00AM if I hadn't seen any ghosts by now they weren't going to show tonight , so off to bed I went. Luckily today a villager had given me a bed so I anticipated a much better sleep than I had last night. I was really worn out, all these late night hunts are hard on a guy and I didn't wake up until after 11:00AM. I made quick work of breakfast and headed out to check the mail. My box was crammed, I had letters from the museum, a letter from Tom saying he was remodeling, and a few pleasantries from the neighbors. First thing I unpacked all of my fossils and headed over to see Blathers. I donated quite a few fossils and got a history lesson on each one. Since Tom was remodeling I figured I go visit Rome and see if their general store was open, I'm really hoping someone will have a fishing pole in stock. Before I left I made a note to myself that at 6:00PM there is a furniture salesman coming and I'd really like a bed and couch that go better with my current décor. Anyway as I close I'm off to Rome, so wish me luck on my hunt for a fishing pole.


1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.

2. You are almost guaranteed a stupid pun for every different type of insect you manage to capture.

3. The museum will only take one of each fish, bug, etc..

4. Tom actually pays pretty well for bugs

5. You can only mail five letters at a time. If you attempt to mail more you will be told the mailbag is stuffed and the attendant will call Pete from a special delivery.

6. You can put money in bags to give away, bury, etc.. in denominations of 100, 1000, 10000 etc…

7. Your axe can and will break (you can chop approximately 20 trees with each axe)

8. Blanca will randomly appear in your town and she will have the last face you had drawn her

9. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CHEATERS: The bonus letter that contains your grab bag can only be used ONCE (1 TIME) no matter what you do. Even if you are to delete your village and start from scratch you will not receive a new grab bag. The grab bag file is separate on your memory card and can't be copied or moved.

10. You can talk to the wishing well for tips on making the town more attractive.

11. Flowers are easy to destroy. If you run through them a couple of times they vanish. It may not seem like a big deal but flowers cost in the $200 neighborhood

12. Every time you cut down a tree you are left with a stump that has to be removed using your shovel

13. Founders Day is when the villager's ancestors settled the area and you get a "mini-model" of a weed to remind you of how the village would look if no one had settled the area

14. You have to be VERY close to a building but you can escape bees by ducking inside a business or residence

15. Fossils that are mailed in come back within 24 hours

16. When Tom is remodeling his shop will be closed until he's finished

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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