66Stingray427's Diaries
Day 3 Evening (August 22, 2002)
When last I wrote I was on my way to Rome looking for a fishing pole, I headed once again to the station to talk to Porter about making arrangements. I know he's probably tired of all of my travels but he remains as pleasant as always. After he got me set up with my regular first class seat I was off. As always I was hoping to meet up with Rover as he and I always have such amusing conversations. When I took my seat I looked around for the car to see if I could spot him but he was nowhere to be found. Oh well I guess I'll have time to take a short nap before I get to Rome. As I'm about to close my eyes a strange faceless cat interrupts me. I figured maybe this was Blancas twin, she sat down in front of me and began talking, come to find out it wasn't Blancas twin, it was Blanca. It seems she had once again managed to wash her face off. Again she asked me to come to the rescue and paint her face. I was reluctant as she didn't seem to thrilled with the first face I had given her but decided if she was crazy enough to ask I'd help her out. After I drew her face we had no time to talk, as we were all ready in Athens. I told her to take care and we parted ways. I headed straight from the train to the general store in hopes of finding that treasured fishing pole. Unfortunately they were completely sold out and all they had in stock was a couple of butterfly nets. In fact they didn't have much of anything, the only carpet and wallpaper samples they had today were hideous. I left the store quite disappointed knowing all the great fishing weather I was going to be missing out on. I figured to keep this trip from being a complete waste I'd take a stroll around the town and talk to my friends. None of them were to energetic today I guess the morning exercises are getting to them. I'd suggest that they do their workouts later in the evening but they all seem pretty set in their ways so I decided to keep my opinions to myself. I grabbed some fruit, dug up a fossil or two, and found a bag with a thousand dollars in it so my day was looking brighter. I decided I'd go back home and look over my house to see if I needed anything as I was expecting Redd the furniture salesman in an hour or two. My house was becoming quite full however nothing matched, I have an Aztec bedspread with a bright orange couch. I figured if I wanted to increase my houses rating I better just buy a completely new set of furniture. To pass the time until Redd was supposed to arrive I ran some errands for my friends and planted the oranges I had picked from Rome. By the time my oranges come into season I'll have so many I might just get an offer from Tropicana to purchase my orchard. After I got done with dinner it was about 6:00PM so I figured I'd head to the train station to see if Redd had come in on the train. I didn't find him at the train station or anywhere else for that matter. I was getting a little concerned because it was after 6:00PM and I didn't want him to sell out before I got a chance to look over his merchandise. I noticed that Twirp had wondered down to my house so I figured I'd ask him about Redd. He didn't seem to know where he was setting up shop but he did warn me that he was a dishonest seller. I figured if anyone would know where he had set up maybe Copper the Police Chief would know, and he did. He told me he had gotten word Redd had set up not to far from the Post Office, and he, like Twirp warned me of his questionable business methods. I stopped by my house on the way to the sale to drop off a couple items. I found Twirp still outside of my house so I decided to ask him what he was up to. He told me he had just gotten finished painting my roof black and he was awaiting payment. I told him I never asked him to paint my roof and his only response was "oops I guess I can't charge you then" well I was quite upset so I decided to end our conversation there. I headed over to Redds makeshift market. I could see why I had received so many warnings about this guy he was a sly looking fox and his shop had the words "Black Market" at the top only black had been marked out. Well I was still desperate for some new furniture so I decided I'd overlook the obvious and go in. As soon as I walked in the door Redd jumped me with a sales pitch that would make a used car salesman look good. For a furniture salesman he seemed quite under stocked and over priced. He only had three items for sale, two paintings and a strange Asian art piece. I was immediately intrigued by the two art pieces and I could just picture them hanging in the museum. He told me I could have them both for $14K and change. I looked them over closely and was impressed with the quality so I figured what the heck, I can always write it off as a charitable deduction after I drop them off to Blathers. I left feeling like I had gotten a good deal, and headed happily over to the museum. I gave both of the paintings to Blathers and he seemed quite impressed and he proudly put them on display in the Art wing. Now I made a big mistake, I was still curious as to why people thought Redd was such a bad guy, he gave me a good deal right, WRONG. I figured if anyone could give me an estimated value on the pieces it would be Tom. Since he still hadn't finished his remodel in Athens I figured I'd just head over to Rome and see if he had time to give me a price on my paintings. I made it to Rome without incident and headed straight for the store "deja-vu." After looking through one of his catalogs I finally found the pieces I had purchased and I was shocked, the current value of the pieces was around $2K each. It seems that today just isn't my day, my roof is now a terrible color and I've wasted $14K on $4K worth of paintings. I was quite hot when I left Toms so I thought it best to keep to myself and head home to cool off. On the ride home I managed to calm myself and get my thoughts together, I realized I might never have gotten another chance to obtain these paintings if I hadn't bought from Redd so I figured I'd rather spend a little extra than to never be able to add them to my collection. When I got back in town I headed straight home to reevaluate my roof and see what could be done, if anything. After staring at it for what seemed like forever it began to grow on me, I figure at some point I'll have the opportunity to have it repainted if I can't live with it. It was getting quite late so I figured after two unsuccessful ghost hunts maybe this would be my night. It was a little after 1:00AM and I headed toward the orchard to see if I could spot any ghosts. As I was approaching a clearing in the trees a voice spoke to me "come here," "hey you, yea you , come here" so of course I went running toward the voice in hopes of finding a ghost. A few minutes later a ghost by the name of Wisp appeared. He told me not to be scared that he was friendly, now where have I heard that before. He explained that he was in a spot of trouble; he had lost five spirits he was supposed to deliver to his boss. He asked if I would help him find and capture the spirits, if I did he said I would be rewarded. Well naturally I wasn't going to turn him down. I got out my net and when hunting, but before I did I was warned that I only had until 4:00AM to locate them. After a quick search of the village I managed to locate all five with ease. I hurried back to Wisp with the spirits and promptly handed them over. He was very grateful and gave me my choice of rewards, he offered to pull weeds, paint my roof, or give me items. Well my first thought was paint my roof but then I thought well maybe he has some really rare items so I went with the items. I wound up with a really great, however un-rare, set of clothing. I was pleased, we said our goodbyes and I made for home. What started out as a bad day really brightened up even if it was the black of night.
1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.
2. Ghost Encounters are completely random. Wisp will find you so if you go walking around after 1:00AM hopefully he'll look you up.
3. To help out Wisp you will be asked to collect Spirits which are small glowing creatures similar to jelly fish.
4. Animals seem to understand Emoticons especially well when placed in letters.
5. It takes two three days for fruit trees to produce fruit after they have been picked
6. Money trees can only be planted where the "yellow light" is found
7. You can plant money only in denominations of $100, $1000, $10000, etc..
8. After helping out Wisp you will get three options for your reward: pull weeds, paint your roof, or give you items
9. Money trees will produce three bags of money, with each bag being equal to the amount you originally planted. After they reach maturity and the bags are picked the tree will never produce again.
10. When ordering an item from your catalog at one of Toms stores it will usually take under two hours to receive it.
11. If you find Gulliver the Pelican washed up on shore speak with him repeatedly until he makes it to his feet. After thanking you for saving your life he will give you some very rare items
12. Blathers is quite the comical character, although very very intelligent, he is afraid of bugs, hates the way fish smell, and doesn't understand the point of some paintings
13. I had a suspicion that was confirmed today regarding tanning. If you are out in the sun while carrying an umbrella you will begin to tan.
14. Textures: I have been working on putting a number of Green Latrines great textures into the game. I have found that the design program is quite simple even when creating such detailed pictures. However it should be noted that designs such as his USPS Eagle, Scrubbing Bubble, etc.. will become quite distorted when used on a set of clothing or an umbrella (I have yet to try making my own flooring or wall paper)
15. Fruit: I have visited over thirty villages (using my own memory cards) and have found the same five fruits in every village so I will assume unless there is a very rare fruit that there are only five possibilities: Apples, Cherries, Oranges, Pears, and Peaches.
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