66Stingray427's Diaries
Day 4 (August 23, 2002)
Today was the day, I just knew it, today I would find a fishing pole. I woke up early and energized, although not early enough to do aerobics with the villagers but who wants to get all sweaty before breakfast. After I ate I headed straight for Toms. I was totally shocked when I found that his old store had been more than remodeled. It looked like Nooks Cranny had been completely demolished as he had a brand new modern looking store. A new name as well, Nook n' Go. I was so excited I ran to the front door, which happened to be one of those new fangled sliding doors, you just walk in front of it and it opens automatically, wow. I figured if the outside was so great the inside must be even better. I walked in and was greeted by my lien holder and although he was wearing a new outfit there was no mistaking him. We talked for a bit and then I decided to check out the sporting goods section for a fishing pole. While he had a huge assortment of stuff to my dismay he was still out of fishing poles. Maybe I was just never meant to fish. He suggested I check his outlet store in Rome.
At this point I had no hope of ever finding a fishing pole, hopefully I can get a refund on my fishing license, but I figured what the heck I'd be going to Rome at some point anyways. No time like the present, I figured, and off I went to the station. My train ride was quite nice except for the fact that every time I dried to doze I was awakened by Rover only to be asked a stupid question or hear about a friend he wanted to set me up with in Rome. I was glad when we finally pulled into Rome, don't get me wrong Rover is one of my best friends but he sure does manage to get under my skin at times. I arrived in Rome around 11:00AM and headed to the store. I walked in and to my surprise the golden treasure lay in front of me, a brand new fishing pole. I rushed over to it and picked it up, I could just see my self reeling in that big catch. I didn't even ask the price, after all this searching I would have paid anything. I ran out of the store jumping up and down with glee and made my way as fast as my legs would carry me to the nearest body of water. I found a small lake so I decided for a beginner this would be a great place to start.
I cast into the water for the first time, what a glorious sound. Not a minute later I had a bite on my line but unfortunately this was "the one that got away". I tried again only to have the same thing happen, wow this is a lot harder than I would have thought. It was about 12:30 so I figured I'd head back home for some lunch and maybe some advice on fishing techniques. After I had lunch I walked outside and realized in my rush this morning I had neglected to check my mail. I had quite a few pieces mostly from the museum. I examined my new fossils and headed over to see Blathers, maybe in return for my donation he'll provide some insight on fishing.
He happily accepted my donations but didn't have anything to say on the subject of fishing. I figured now that I had the home team advantage I'd try fishing again. I found the perfect spot and crossed my fingers. Quite a few fish came close but seemed to just ignore my bait. Finally, something noticed, something big. I immediately reeled him in and to my surprise I had caught a crawfish. It wasn't exactly what I was hoping for but I had proved to myself that I could fish so I was happy.
While I was wondering around I noticed that Redd was still in town. Without making any mention that I knew how badly he had ripped me off I initiated a conversation with him. He congratulated me on my purchases last night and told me I was his best customer, more than likely his only customer. However he invited me in and my curiosity got the best of me. I figured maybe he had brought out some new items. The cheapskate didn't have one new item on display; in fact the only thing he had left was that Asian artifact. I looked at it closely and I figured it would look pretty good in my house and while I figured I was getting ripped off I handed over close to $11K. I took my prize home and picked out the perfect place, but it didn't fit, great now I have a giant relic sitting in the middle of my floor.
The more and more I looked at it I decided I couldn't live with the clutter so I took it over to Tom. I decided no matter what he offered I'd sell, I figured if I could at least get $5K I'd be happy. Tom had to scrape my jaw off of his new floor when he offered $600 and not a penny more. I should have just kept it but in my shocked state I let him take it off my hands. I'll just have to live with my mistake, I should have taken the hint when I lost $10K yesterday but it must not have sunk in.
I had read a flyer earlier in Rome that said a fortuneteller was coming to down. I don't go in for that stuff but I didn't have anything better to do so after dinner I decided to hop the train and check it out. When I got to Rome it was getting quite late so I was hoping I hadn't missed her. I searched for about ten minutes before I finally came across her tent. I went in and asked her to read my fortune to which she agreed. It didn't make sense but it was fun nonetheless. I handed over her meager fee of $50 and headed home.
Tonight no ghost hunts for me; I was tired and didn't feel like traipsing all over the forest. I decided until it was time to turn in I'd work on a little interior design. When I was finally happy with my house I had quite a lot of junk setting outside and since Tom was closed it would just have to stay there until tomorrow. Now I'm off to brush my teeth and hop in my nice cozy bed.
1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.
2. When you start a new game after purchasing your new home rather than going straight to Nooks Cranny you can opt to go meet all of the villagers in your town (including the mayor). If you do this Tom will completely omit the task that has you running around introducing yourself to all the villagers. While it makes no difference, which you do first, it is worth taking note of.
3. When you plant a fruit tree it will take five days before fruit will begin to grow after this it will only take two or three days for it to reproduce
4. If you have gotten word of a specific person coming to down for one reason or other and you are unable to locate them ask at the police station. If the person hasn't arrived Copper will tell you if they are expecting someone. If the person has arrived Copper will give you their exact location.
5. If you decide to store things in a cabinet, armoire, etc.. those items will be transported back to your inventory should you decide to pick up the storage item
6. It may not always happen like this but in my village the traveling furniture sales man didn't leave until I had bought out his shop.
7. To reiterate the traveling salesman is a CROOK no two ways about it.
8. When Tom remodels his shop the first time he will be closed for a full 24 hours and when he re opens he will have new hours 7:00AM 11:00PM
9. You can save on any Gamecube memory card the only difference will be that you will not have a grab bag.
10. I had a suspicion and after talking with Nick have come close to confirming that it is only possible to receive three fossils per day from the museum.
11. There are 15 paintings to collect for the museum.
12. There are approximately 25 fossils to collect for the museum
13. If you speak with K.K. Slider on Saturday nights after he plays a song of his choice he will give you an "air check" copy to play on your sound system back at your house.
14. I don't have the exact time yet but I have been informed that the lady selling turnips comes in on Sunday mornings.
This is a new section I'm trying out. Here I will try to include as much information I can dig up on a limited subject. Today I'm going to cover the tune maker outside of the post office. If I should decide to keep this up I'll go on to include a FAQ about Graphic/Sound impressions, Item Trading, etc..
First off I'd like to give a shout out to Squirtle as he looked over my notes to help make sure if I covered most of the details.
The tune maker is located outside of the post office (in case you are wondering regardless of the location of the post office in your town the board will always be located by the post office) This board gives you the creative freedom to, what else "create" Keep in mind I'm not musically inclined, but I do know how to burn my own cd's J
Down to business. If you are so inclined you can change your tune by simply walking up to the board and pressing A. This will display a close up view of the board as well as the current song. Now you have a couple options you can select to download songs from the e-reader, listen to the current song, or write your own.
The board has whole notes, ½ notes, and ¼ notes
At the top of the scale you can choose:
?, E, D, C
At the middle of the scale you can choose:
B, A, G, F, E, D, C
Finally at the bottom of the scale you can choose:
B, A, G, -, or silent
As I said before being very "musically challenged" I was intimidated but after playing with the board for about ten minutes I had it down and was composing some pretty decent pieces, if I do say so myself. If you wanted to delve deeper into composing you could always use a beginners guide to music but if you aren't afraid to try things, you'll probably be surprised at how fast you catch on.
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