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66Stingray427's Diaries

Day 5 (August 24, 2002)

This morning I woke up around 10:00AM and I was excited. I heardd fish are usually easier to catch early of the morning, I'm sure they mean around 5:00AM by early but 10:00AM is still respectable, regardless it'll have to do. I grabbed a couple of oranges for a mid morning snack and headed to the river. It must have been my lucky day, I was catching fish left and right. I bet before 11:00AM I had eight or nine fish worth keeping. I can't imagine how many I would have caught had I gotten there earlier. I took the majority of my fish to Nook ‘n' Go but there were one or two special ones I thought would look great in the museums collection. Blathers was very excited and assured me my fresh catches would be well cared for. Now that I had a few minutes to spare I figured I better go check my mail. I was delighted to find a letter, albeit a short one, from my mother. She told me that she was cleaning out the attic and found one of my old love letters but she only peeked because she thought there might be a bill inside, yea right mom nice try. I also had another three fossils come in from the museum. This time I had a mosquito trapped in amber, a footprint, and a Mammoth skull. My first thought was to take the mosquito to the Cryogenics lab, who knows maybe I could start a really cool theme park, nah. After the little light bulb above my head went out I headed to see Blathers, fossils in tow. I found him sleeping on the job, well what can you expect he is open round the clock. After I finally got him awake I handed over the fossils and he thanked me, I sure wish he'd pay me but I guess you can't have it all, at least he appreciates me. I had managed to dig up a few fossils on my way to the museum so I decided I'd head over to see Pelly and have her get these fossils to the museum as soon as possible. On my way over to the Post Office I noticed a yellow tent had been set up near the place where Redd's market was a day or so before. I decided I'd just drop in and introduce myself. Inside I found a very pleasant fellow by the name of Rio. We talked about camping and played a few games. He told me he'd be staying the weekend so I told him I'd drop by later and maybe we could play some more games. After I made it to the Post Office I thought I'd go see Copper and find out if there was anything going on today. He told me that K.K. Slider would be performing at the train station around 8:00PM tonight. It was getting on in the day but I had quite a bit of time before K.K. would be in town so I decided I'd head over to Rome and see if Katrina was interested in reading my fortune again. I met up with Rover on the train, I think he needs glasses as it took him a few minutes to recognize his best friend, oh well maybe it was my new tropical outfit. After getting off the train I headed over to where Katrina was set up yesterday. Lucky me, she was still in town. I walked in and she agreed to do another reading, but it turned out almost the same as yesterday, at least it wasn't expensive and it wasn't bad news. On my way back to the train I found another yellow tent set up so I thought maybe Rio had decided to set up camp over here. I went in but it wasn't Rio at all it was Mitzi. We talked for a short while and even played a game but I was in a bit of a hurry as it was getting late. I hopped the train and got back just in time as K.K. Slider was already set up. I went over and introduced myself and found him to be quite the nice guy, very down to earth, he even asked if I had any requests. At the time I couldn't think of anything so he just played one of his new hits; K.K. Technopop. When he was finished he even game me a copy of his single, what a guy. I took it home only to realize that I had sold that nasty tape player that Tom had left in my house. I headed over to Toms to order a CD player but unfortunately he didn't have any in stock and he couldn't order one. Hopefully he'll get some in soon as I can't wait to listen to Technopop again. Even though it was quite late I wasn't very tired so I figured I'd go on a ghost hunt. I wandered around the village stopping occasionally to catch a bug or pull a weed. By 2:00AM I hadn't seen nor heard any ghosts so I figured off to bed. I made it back to my place few minutes later, turned out the lights, and went straight to bed.

MINI FAQ Using the Controls in Animal Crossing (Information from Nintendo and my own first hand experiences)

Like most games getting around can usually be learned by just jumping into the game and experimenting. However, when speaking of Animal Crossing you must remember the multitude of things that have to be accomplished with only seven buttons, a c-stick, and of course the control stick. Amazingly enough the controls are, at least in my humble opinion, executed perfectly. They are simple intuitive and don't require you to actually take time to think about which button you're going to have to press to perform a particular action.

Controlling your character outdoors and indoors:

Control Stick: Used to walk around or run.
Start: Used to open or close the item screen
C Stick: Used to adjust camera (zoom out, rotate, etc…) inside of houses
Y Button: Used to open or close the item screen
X Button: Used to open the map screen
B Button: Used to put away items; Used to put away furniture; Used to go back to previous menu
A Button: Talk; Enter a building; Shake Tree; Read messages; Use item

Using the Controller to type:
L Button: Used to enable/disable cap locks
Control Stick: Choose a letter
Control Pad (+): Move cursor across text
R Button: Insert space
Z Button: Change key layout
Y Button: Switch keyboard
X Button: Accent letter
A Button: Type letter
B Button: Delete letter
Start: Finish typing

Indoor Controls:
C Stick: Adjust camera
A Button plus Control Stick (up, down, left, right): Move furniture
B Button: Pick up furniture
A Button: While in the inventory screen use to place furniture

Basic NES Controls:
Control Stick: Move character
Control Pad (+): Move character
A Button: Context sensitive (IE: Jump in Donkey Kong, Swing your racquet in Tennis)
X Button: Choose game mode
Y Button: Select, Pause
L Shoulder Button + R Shoulder Button + Z Button:
Exit NES Game

Mini Impression FAQ
This little section contains my own personal opinions of Animal Crossings Graphics and Sound.

Please keep in mind that this is a completely unbiased opinion. I currently own all of the next generation consoles as well as the Dreamcast, Nintendo64, etc.. These opinions are derived from using the following equipment:

Gamecube: North American version Animal Crossing: Beta Version Television: 36" Panasonic TAU HDTV Sound System: Sony custom 550 Watt Sound System and Receiver

I am only writing this section due to the bad press Animal Crossing has received in the graphics department. Quite frankly I can't see anything wrong with the graphics. They don't have any amazing explosions, half naked girls, or outlandish special effects; but if it did it wouldn't be Animal Crossing. The graphics, while I have no way of actually testing this, seem to maintain a constant frame rate. I have experienced no pop up, rough edges, etc… I think that if this game were done in any other manor, graphically speaking, it would have lost some of its charm. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I popped this game in the cube for the first time as I'd read numerous articles reporting on how "kiddie" or "N64-ish" the graphics were, well I was pleasantly surprised. Nintendo has done an amazing job with this game and if could change one thing about it I don't know what it would be, however I might beg that they continue to support AC with add-ons, updates, and sequels. As for the sound there isn't anything amazing here but just like the graphics you couldn't ask for more, all of the sounds that are present are just perfect and fit this game to a tee. From chopping down a tree, to the sound difference when you're running through the forest rather than walking along a cobblestone path, it's all executed flawlessly. If I was objectively rating this game having no prior knowledge of it (which is a hard situation to put myself in) I would rate it as follows:

(No Prior Knowledge of AC) Graphics 8 out of 10 Sound 7 out of 10

Now being a huge AC fan my ratings would change, and I'm sure anyone reading this will be more apt to agree with the latter scores.

(AC Fanatics) Graphics 9 out of 10 Sound 9 out of 10

Bottom line: Nintendo has outdone themselves yet again. What we have here is another game that can hang with the likes of Nintendo greats such as Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. I truly send my sympathy to someone who doesn't give this game a chance because of a bad first impression of the graphics.

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