66Stingray427's Diaries
Day 6 (August 25, 2002)
I think all of my late night ghost hunts must be catching up with me as I didn't make it out of bed until noon. I was quite upset with myself when I looked at the clock. I had planned to get up at 6:00AM and finally join in on the morning exercises. Not only did I miss aerobics but I missed the lady who was coming to town to sell turnips as well. I was really hoping to play the "turnip market." Anyways I had a quick bite for lunch and went to check my mail. I really wasn't feeling well at this point so I thought I'd just read through the mail, hit the lights and take a nap on the couch. I must have really felt bad, as I didn't wake up again until after 2:00 PM.
I must admit after my little nap I did feel a slight better so I figured I'd go and see what was going on in the town. I think there must be a bug going around, as the villagers didn't seem as peppy as normal. I ran an errand or two but after my second delivery I wasn't in the mood for a wild goose chase to find Leigh's camera, she'll just have to wait until tomorrow. I figured maybe a little fishing would be good for me so off to the beach I went. I always heard a good sea breeze would make anyone feel better. The beach was pretty desolate this time of day so I figured if the fish were biting I'd have tons of fish to donate or sell. To my dismay I only managed to catch a crawfish and an old shoe. I knew Blathers already had a crawfish and as picky as he is I knew he wouldn't want an old shoe. I headed to the dumb to get rid of this nasty boot and to the Nook n' Go to get rid of the fish. I found quite a few interesting things on display at Toms so I'll say I went on quite the shopping spree, nothing like impulse buying to raise your spirits.
After I got all of my goodies home I decided to head over to the Post Office as I had some letters I wanted Pelly to save for me. When I was handing over the letters I saw one from Tom about a rug sale, I had almost forgot so I took a quick mental note, "head to Toms at 7:00PM." It was about 5:00PM when I was leaving the Post Office so I figured I'd head over to Rome and make sure I wasn't missing anything there. Once I got off the train I immediately noticed that most of the oranges in Julie's orchard were ripe enough for picking. I figured she wouldn't mind if I took a few, or ten. I loaded up my pockets and left her a couple of cherries in return. I was still feeling bad so I figured I'd go home and relax with a good video game.
I made it back to my house around 5:40 so I figured I had almost an hour and a half before Tom's big sale. I fired up the old NES and put in a copy of Tennis. I played for about thirty minutes and then I must have dozed off. I woke up right before 7:00PM to the sound of my game and figured I better head on over to Toms. I got there with a minute to spare, I wanted to be first in line, which I was.
As soon as I walked in the door Tom greeted me with a balloon, which I must say surprisingly, cheered me up. It seemed he must have pre-sold most of his rugs though as he only had one available. It was quite nice and was marked down to $800 so I figured I'd take it. When I got home I put it down and it looked great, well at least it did in my opinion. Hopefully if I go to bed early tonight I'll wake up feeling back to my normal self tomorrow. I'm off to bed with high hopes of my illness just being a twenty-four hour virus.
1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.
2. As I've said in the past when you start a new game you have three options regarding the way voices will sound. If for some reason you tire of the voice you have selected you are not out of luck. To change the voice type you just need to select "before I go" when you start up your game, now a menu will come up with several options one being "sound" select sound and then you will be asked to select "Stereo" "Mono" or "Headphones" make your choice and you will be presented with yet another menu and here you will be able to select the voice for your animals.
3. The lady who sell turnips will be in your village around 10:00AM on Sundays (Thank you Nick)
4. Gyroids, Sputnoids, etc
are small statuettes that from my experience only serve a limited number of purposes: 1. the most useful is the Gyroid outside of your house (it is a permanent fixture and can not be sold, moved, buried, etc..) 2. when placed in your home and turned on by pressing "A" they will begin to dance around and make one repetitive note 3. Tom pays in the $800 range for all gyroids you bring in so I suggest you sell them unless they really go with your décor
5. While in your inventory screen if you highlight an item such as fish, furniture, paper, umbrellas, etc.. and then press the "X" button a green ring will appear around that item. You can use this feature to select multiple items to sell or drop which does come in quite handy. (Thanks for the help on this shurst2004)
6. Stealing!!! The topic of stealing seems to come up constantly. Can I steal this, can I steal that. So hopefully this will clear that up. You can steal NOTHING, and I REPEAT YOU CAN'T STEAL IN ANIMAL CROSSING. If you are making a delivery from one villager to another you can not do anything with that item except give it to the intended recipient or to the wishing well should the package be undeliverable (IE a villager has moved away). You can not take or move anything in other peoples homes, in fact you can't even turn their lights on or off.
7. Items you may have. Since we've got stealing out of the way (and we won't see anymore threads about that, right???) we'll move onto items you may have. You are allowed to keep any items you find buried. You are allowed to have any items that are left in the dump. And finally you are allowed to have any items that are located in the lost and found at the Police Station.
8. The GBA Island Requirements (For more detailed information check out the Mini FAQ below) you will need a GBA, a GBA/GC link cable, Gamecube, and obviously a copy of Animal Crossing.
9. Items at Toms store: After Tom remodels the first time here is what you can expect to find at his store on a day to day basis. 2 3 Tools such as Axe, Fishing Pole, etc.. , 2 outfits, one umbrella, two items of furniture such as couches, paintings, tables, desks, etc.. , three to four bags of flowers, one sapling, one rug, one wallpaper pattern, and an infinite supply of one particular style of paper.
Game Boy Advance Connectivity
(If you want to find out if you should spend your money on Star Fox or save towards a GBA setup read here)
What you will need:
1 Gameboy Advance, 1 GBA/GC Link Cable, 1 Gamecube, 1 Copy of Animal Crossing
What will I be able to do if I get a GBA setup:
1. You can visit a special Island that exists both on the Gamecube and the Gameboy Advance
2. You can upload and download patterns from the Able Sisters
3. You can upload the texture creating program and design on the go
4. You can play any NES games you have on the GBA
The Island:
To visit the Island make sure your GBA is connected and on (not in sleep mode) and head to the dock. If done properly Kapp'n will be waiting to take you to the island. Speak with him (the first time you'll get to name your island) and you'll be off on your voyage. On the way to the island Kapp'n will entertain you with a song or two. Once you arrive on the island you will immediately see it is quite small. It has a dock, two huts, a flag pole, quite a few coconut producing trees, and some exotic flowers.
On the island you will find that one of the huts is uninhabited and on further inspection you will notice that you can turn on the lights, this is the first clue if you've been paying attention that this is your new beach house. Now you have two homes, wow. You'll notice your new pad is quite sparse in my case it had a nice rug and four tropical shirts of various colors. Now you can go see Tom and order a whole new set of furniture.
A very neat aspect of the island is the flagpole. On your first visit you'll notice it's white. If you go over to the pole and press "A" you will be given the option to apply one of your very own textures to the flag. Currently I'm proudly flying the United States Postal Service Eagle (Thanks to GreenLatrine, I suggest you check out his great texture site. From Scrubbing Bubbles, to Vette Emblems http://ickster.tripod.com/textures)
When you have picked a coconut or two and spoken with the other inhabitant of your village and are ready to go home just go speak to the Kapp'n once again. He will ask you if you wish to take a record of your island with you if you select yes he will give you directions and then will begin uploading your island to the GBA.
After you have left the island you are free to use the GBA and check out your island you use the + pad to scroll around and the "A" button for actions. If you feed your mini inhabitant fruit he will usually produce a bag of money, usually only $100 or $1000 but at times he does drop bags worth $10000
Now that you've got all these money bags waiting for your make sure you don't turn of the GBA or you will be out of luck. After you are back to your village simply speak to Kapp'n again to head back to the island and pick up your loot.
To upload an NES game to the GBA simply walk up to one of your NES systems and click "A" now select "Advance Play" and follow the instructions.
To upload the texture program go see the Able Sisters and select "other things" now select to use your GBA for making textures and follow the instructions.
Although I don't have any info to offer on the specifics of this topic it will be another great reason to pick up a GBA.
If you're a huge AC fan and I suspect you are or you probably wouldn't have read this far J I highly suggest, if your budget allows, to run out and get a GBA and Cable. It should only run you $79.98 which is quite a bargain because not only is the GBA great for AC but it has a wonderful library of games and is a whole lot of fun.
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