66Stingray427's Diaries
Day 6 LATE NIGHT (August 25, 2002) - Day 7 (August 26, 2002)
When last I wrote I was feeling quite ill and was headed for bed. After tossing and turning for about an hour, probably to all those naps I took, I decided to go for a walk. Off all the times I ran into Wisp. He told me he had the same problem again; he had managed to lose another five spirits. Even though I felt awful I decided to help him. I was sure hoping I had the energy to find them all because I really wanted him to paint my roof, anything but that drab black.
I managed to locate all of the spirits in about an hour, it would have been sooner but I didn't have much energy. I returned all five spirits to Wisp and thankfully his offer of painting my roof was still good. He asked me what color and I had to go through his choices twice before I found what I was looking for, a shade similar to Carolina blue. I made my choice and headed home to find he was already finished and it looked great. For about the fifth time today I went to bed, but this time it worked. I didn't get up until again until morning and when I did, I felt great. Thank goodness!!!
I actually made it up rather early today, must have been all the cat napping from yesterday. I figured I should capitalize and go fishing. I grabbed a pear and headed for the ocean. Today was a good day for fishing, I managed to catch so many jellyfish that if could find a market for "jelly fish jelly" I could put Smuckers out of business. I decided since I didn't have the capital to start marketing my line of jelly I'd just take the little guys to Tom and see what the current market price was. I had about ten and he offered me $1000 which I found to be an insult, if he only knew how long it took to catch all ten. Anyways I didn't have room to store them and I sure didn't want to let them all go so I took his $1000 and ran.
I hadn't done much towards beautifying the village so I figured today was as good as any to pull some weeds. I worked for about an hour combing the village looking for any stray weeds. To my surprise pulling weeds wasn't as strenuous as I would've thought. Rather than get down on my hands and knees I just dug them up, sure wish I had some weed spray though.
While I was walking around I ran into a new guy. I introduced myself and he did the same. His name is Rex and he looks to be the king of the jungle. He seems like a very nice guy but I don't think he quite grasped the "Hakuna Matata" philosophy when he was in school. He likes to chat but he's always stressed over the work that he needs to get done, even though he pawns most of it off on me.
By midday I had most of my chores done, even got my new fossils over to the museum. So I figured I'd go ahead and take my daily trip to Rome. When I got there I met up with a camel named Sahara. She told me she was in town selling carpets so I inquired as to what she had. She explained that she sells all of her rugs for $3000 but I'd have to give her one of mine as a trade in. It may seem steep but she did have quite the collection, had she any rugs with a Cabin or Cabana theme I would have definitely taken her up on her offer. After looking over quite a few samples I decided I'd hold off on buying. I had already gotten a notice a day or so ago that she would be in Athens in a couple days so I'm hoping maybe she will have something more to my liking then. After wondering around for a little while I noticed the town seemed pretty dead so I headed back home.
I figured some evening fishing would be perfect to calm the nerves. All the attempted negotiating with Sahara had stressed me out. When I made it to the ocean I decided to fish of the pier for a change. To my surprise I didn't find a fish but even better I found my good buddy Kapp'n. I hadn't seen him for years, he was an old army buddy of my grandfathers. We reminisced for a while and then he asked me if I wanted to go check out an island he had just discovered. Of course I said yes, it was either that or catch $100 jelly fish so it was an easy decision. I'm not sure what the worst part of the trip was; the rough waters or the fact that Kapp'n couldn't carry a tune to save his life yet he insisted on singing the whole way over. Finally we arrived on the island,
HALLELUIAH!!! When I got to the island Kapp'n told me he owned one of the houses and since he was so tight with my family he said I could have it, wow no mortgage and a cool beach house. It's true good deeds don't go unnoticed, I don't know how to repay him but I am grateful.
I left the dock to explore the island, and my new home. The island is beautiful, flowers and palm trees everywhere. To my surprise there is only one other fellow living on the island. He's a really cool frog named Drift. We became friends extremely quickly. For that I'm very thankful, if we couldn't stand each other it would get pretty boring with no one to talk to on the island. When I left I made sure to drop quite a few pieces of ruit as I heard that Drift was a big fruit connoisseur. To my surprise, when I decided to head back to the island to drop off a load of furniture for my new condo, I found that drift had dropped quite a few bags of money. I figured it was a thank you for the fruit but I was shocked when I saw some of the amounts, there were a couple for $10K, this frog must be rolling in it.
With my newly found treasure I had enough to pay off my house so I headed back to Athens. When my feet hit solid ground I ran to the Post Office. I talked to Phyllis for a minute and then told her I wanted to pay off my loan. I must say she was quite surprised but she did take care of settling my account. Unfortunately it was to late to tell Tom of my most recent accomplishment so I guessed one more day wouldn't matter. I was extremely excited and couldn't wait to see Toms face but I figured the easiest way to pass the time is by sleeping. I headed home and turned in for the night.
1. Most Important: Please do not PM me regarding the BETA version of AC. I am an extremely busy student, that along with college, video games, golf tournaments, my duties to Nintendo, my duties to AXA, and my social life I DO NOT have time to answer direct questions.
2. If you are lucky you just might find that Drift has dropped a bag of money worth $30,000 providing you give him enough fruit
3. Your character has the ability to lay on beds and even sit on couches, chairs, etc.. Also worth mentioning if you have a two person bed you can roll from one side of the bed to the other which is quite comical to watch.
4. If you visit a friend's village you are able to mess with some of their stuff. Such as turn the lights on and off. Most notable you can and I repeat CAN play other humans NES games. I don't know if you can use the NES games in regular villagers houses because none of my villagers have an NES in plain sight.
5. The villagers will mention a rare fish that can't be caught if you're looking for it. I believe this fish is a living fossil called a Coelacanth
6. There are 7 different complete Dinosaur skeletons to collect. Each consisting of two or three individual fossils
7. There are 5 artifacts to collect. IE: Amber, Footprint, etc
8. When it rains Aerobics are canceled and all villagers carry umbrellas
9. Jelly fish are the most plentiful fish in the sea
10. Any time you purchase an item from Tom (EXCLUDING: tools, plants, and paper) you will get a raffle ticket. With five raffle tickets you will get one entry in his drawing that is held at the end of the month.
11. All towns have a lighthouse, although you can't go in. It does however have a searchlight that comes on after dark.
12. You can write anything you want on the town message board but remember it's permanent.
13. Your mailbox can hold ten letters at a time
14. If a villager is watching you while you catch a fish they'll clap for you.
15. Twirp talked about "fish thieves" people who fish LATE at night when it's storming (although I've never seen any)
16. Shells to collect: Conch, Sand Dollar, Coral, Lions Paw, Venus Comb, and Wentletrap
17. Tree Shaking Possibilities: It does nothing, You will knock loose a piece of furniture, You will find a bag of money, or You will get attacked by bees.
18. Toms Many Stores: Nooks Cranny - Nook n' Go - Nook Way
19. You can throw fish caught in the ocean into the river or
20. Fish: Unless selling, donating, or giving you can only drop them inside your home or release them back into a body of water.
21. Once you have attained a basement you will find the stairs to the immediate right upon entry to your home
22. I don't think it's possible to change the floor or wallpaper in the basement
23. You can store approximately 64 items in your basement depending on their size
24. The best time to stock up on valuable bugs is to catch them at night.
25. There are 40 fish to collect.
26. There are 40 bugs to collect
27. The time to catch the rarest fish is during a storm while at the beach
28. When fishing NEVER RUN or you will scare the fish away.
29. When hunting bugs equip the net and press the "A" button to enter sneak mode.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead & Megadoomer.com, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.
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