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Coolmancalvin's Diaries

Diary 4

Authors Note: I have skipped day 2-3 diarys because i have lost both sets of notes. Sorry. Here is what important stuff happened:

Cheri moved out Peanut,Peaches,Truffles, and Biskit moved in. House expanded. 50,000 of 150,000 bell payed off of debt.

On with Diary.
I got up today ready to face another grueling day as an animal liver-wither. I noticed Tom Nook's shop was closed for remodling so I said "Well Then I cant do anything today. I have no source of income now." I went to the dump to see what's there. A couple of shirts but the only one I liked was the MVP shirt. I checked my map and saw that Wolfgang from Clotch had moved in and a bird named Robin. I asked for a job from Robin. She told me to get her camera from Roald. Roald didn't have the camera because he had given it to Goldie. I went to Goldie's got the camera back and gave it to Robin in exchange for a cool gamecube symbol statue. I went to my gyroid, saved and ended my short no income day.

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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