Coolmancalvin's Diaries
Diary 5
I got 4 letters today. I got a cherry from home and
planted it immediately. The 3 fossils were a
trilobyte, a mammoth torso, and a stegosaurus torso.
I sold my bones for alot of moolah. I had noticed that
the Nook's Cranny turned into the supermarket-like
Nook'n'go. It reminded me of the Kwik-e-mart. I swear,
when I stepped out he said "thank you, come again." I
went to the dump and found a cool new stereo called
the retro stereo.I payed 20,000 bell against my debt
of evil. I looked at my map and noticed I had a new
neighbor. His name was Stu.On the way to his house I
dug up a fossil. I visited him and noticed he was a
bull. I thought "Eh, got tired of Spain, did ya?" When
I left Stu's pad I noticed a shining spot. I dug it up
and to my suprise it was 1,000 bell. "This town gets
stranger by the day," I thought. I went to the lost
and found and found a lost folding chair. I sold it
faster than a stag beetle on a soccer ball. I caught a
long headed locust using my superb net skills. After I
caught that bug I saw a large, yellow tent. Cupcake
was camping here but was to lazy to hike herself so
she wanted me to carry her. I said "NO WAY, PERIOD!!!"
I storm out of her house to mail the fossil. After the
post office a feeling of Deja Vue came over me as I
dug up another fossil. I sent it right after I dug it
up. When I went down I saw that a pig named Curly.
After I left I got a pitfall from Robin. I planted one
next to Roald and shoved him in. He was like "WHO SET
THIS TRAP?!?!?!?" I sold the weed model from Founder's
Day to Peaches for 3,000. I deposited 10,000 bell to
my debt of death. I have 68,000 bell on my debt left.
Once the clock chimed 8:00 I ran to the train station
to hear Totakeke. He sang K.K. Western which I had
heard from AXA. Then I went to my hammock and hit the hay.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.