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Coolmancalvin's Diaries

Diary 6,
Once i got out of my house and checked my mail I knew something was going to happen. The fossils were both dinosaur tracks. AAARGH!! I was madder than Resetti with the light so bright it hurts his brain! I went to the Nook'n'go and sold all the tracks. It suddenly got better when I noticed the shop had an axe in all it's glory. I then talked to Roald after cutting a tree down to size. I went to Wolfgang and asked him for a job. I had to collect his glasses case. He doesn't wear glasses but I said " What the Hey." I got the case from Peaches and returned it for a stupid pad of stationary. When I left Wolfgang's I saw a wild boar. THE TURNIP LADY!!! YAY!!! I bought 50 turnips for 5,000 bell. No debt pay today. I hope the price for turnips goes up. I went to Peaches for a job and got the degrading task of picking up her gameboy from Amelia. When I returned to peaches all I got was a six-ball shirt. I went down to the lost and found but on my way I found a mystical shining spot. I dug up 1000 bell from it. I ran into Wolfgang on my way to the Lost and Found. He asked me my favorite phrase because he was getting tired of SNARRRL. I entered in chicken at loss of a neater phrase. At the lost and found (finally) there was a bonsai tree. It totally clashed badly with my house colors so I sold it. While i was at Tom Nook's I also sold my bowtoid. I hit a rock with my shovel and it turned red and threw out bell. I kept hitting and got 5 more bags. I got 3,300 bell from that hot rock. I got tired so i went to sleep on my comfy hammock.

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