Coolmancalvin's Diaries
Diary 7,
Today was one of the best days I have had yet in this
strange town of Blong. Everything was going my way. It
started out with getting 2 fossils. One was amber and
the other was a ptera skull. I sold the amber and
chose to donate the ptera skull.While I was walking
toward the museum it totally proved my luck. I dug up
a fossil and 1000 bell. After I donated the skull I
went job-hunting. I was supposed to get Amelia's
Gameboy from Peanut. While I was talking to Amelia I
saw someone go by. I caught up to her and learned that
her name was Leigh. She had just moved here. I went to
Peanut's house and found she wasn't there. I quit
looking for her so I went fishing. I saw a shadow in
the water and caught it quickly. It was a normal weak
bass. A purple butterfly flew by and I knew it would
net me (no pun intended) 2000 bell. I caught it with
my mad skillz. I dug up the 2nd fossil by the
butterfly. I went by Biskits pad because it's on the
beach and sea fish sell for a lot.The first fish I
caught out of the ocean was HUGE. It had black and
white stripes like a zebra. It's name was a barred
knife-skull. I was going to sell it. On my way to the
Nook'n'go I dug up the third and final fossil. I sold
the butterfly and the two fish. The striped one sold
for 5,000 dollars! I went to the post office and payed
off 13000 bell of my debt while also mailing my
fossils. On my way home I found out that Tom Nook was
having a carpet sale. I went back to bed after that
long, tiring, lucky, day.
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.