Speedster's Diaries
As I turned on the game I felt anticipation unlike any other game I
played before. As the opening sequence played out K.K. Slider greeted me, he
explained to me the importance of playing with close friends and to never
shut the game off without saving. When the screen switched to the train a
strange cat walked up the isle he politely asked whether he could sit next to
me while promising not to fall asleep and drool on me. This cat's name was
Rover he always seemed to be laughing while asking me some of the basic
questions required to start the game. I told him my name was John and the
name of my town is Shoeville (I had a mind block and couldn't think of
anything better). He laughed at my name and mentioned that he had a friend
in Shoeville who could help me find a house to live in. When the train
finally arrived I was greeted by a monkey who showed me the way to the exit
of the train station.
Right after I had stepped off the train I was greet by a fellow named
Tom Nook, he seemed nice to the untrained eye but had I known what he was
about to submit me too I wouldn't have been so polite. He promptly showed me
the way to the four houses he was selling. After looking though them
carefully, I really couldn't make up my mind so I chose the house with the
red roof because I like red. After we ironed out the details for the closure
of my house he directed me to his shop, as I was over 17,000 bell short of
fully paying for the house I would need a job fast. On my way to the shop I
ran into a tangerine colored cat with a head shaped like a tangerine,
strangely enough her name was Tangy. When I arrived at Tom Nook's shop I was
alarmed at the horrible pun. The name of his shop was Nook's Cranny.
He almost immediately set me to work, my first job to plant seeds for
flowers and trees all around his shop, of which while doing later errands
were trampled much to Nook's displeasure. I ran around in circles planting
seeds merrily at my own will. When the seeds ran out I knew it was time for
my next errand, meet all of the villagers. The first villager I met was
Bill. Bill was a duck who was very fond of using hip words much like the way
some people speak today, also I noticed he says "Quacko" after everything he
says which I found rather annoying after a while. The next villager I met
was an eagle named Apollo. He was black and white with an orange beak. His
voice almost scared me the first time I heard it, it was tremendously deep
and sounded like he was annoyed with me. The next villager I met was Pelly
at the post office. She was very kind and asked if she could help me with
anything, I responded no but I knew she would be helping me a lot from this
day forward. While looking for another villager I ran into Mitzi a white,
blue-faced cat. Right next to her house was the museum. When I ran into the
museum I was greeted by a sleeping Blathers, which I though was very rude.
He explained to me what the museum was used for and that it was open all day
for people to donate fossils. A little farther north there lived another
villager named Kitty. That makes three cats so far in my village when I
would prefer to have dogs. The next stop for me was the Lost and Found also
known as the police station. I introduced myself to Copper and Booker the
resident policeman at my village and proceeded to take to articles of
clothing, a No. 1 shirt and an Airy shirt. At this point I concluded that I
had met all of the neighbors when all of a sudden I remembered Tortimer the
mayor. I made my way over to the wishing well where the mayor likes to hang
out and introduced myself. He was a kind fellow who reminded me to visit him
on holidays and he would give me some thing special for doing so. It turns
out tomorrow is a holiday on the game but I can't remember which one,
tomorrow I will let everyone know what happens. After meeting with Tortimer
I didn't feel like immediately returning to Tom Nook so I took a long walk on
the beach located nearby. I found many a shell and thought to myself I could
make some money by selling these to Tom if I ever finish the errands.
The next errand he gave me was relatively easy it was to deliver a
piece of furniture Tangy had ordered to her. When I gave the furniture I was
given a Mugho Bonsai plant followed by a lecture about how important keeping
your house clean and organized is. The job after that was equally easy only
requiring me too write a letter to Kitty telling her that the shop was having
a sale and she should come and see the prices. I then had to bring a carpet
to Dozer and deliver an ax to Kitty. What could be scarier than a kitty with
an ax. When I finally reached my final job I was over joyed. It was to only
post an ad for Tom's shop. I immediately ran over to the bulletin board and
wrote "Come to Tom's" then ran back to tell him that I had finished. All of
the jobs I had done had only paid back 1,000 bell or so from my loan, I was
very disappointed. When I left the shop my character did a little song and
dance routine to celebrate. I then went to check my mail just for the heck
of it and what to my eyes did appear two NES games and a K.K. Love song along
with a letter from Nintendo. The two NES games I received were Golf and
Pinball; I'll have to play it next time I play the game.
Find out tomorrow what I did with my newly found shovel.....Thanks for
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