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Speedster's Diaries
I then began checking on all of the villagers in hopes that they had jobs just waiting to be complete but much to my dismay there was no one who needed anything at all. When walking along the beach I was startled to see a new villager, who had just moved in that morning. I hurried to meet her and found that she was a pink goat named Velma. She seemed pretty nice but we'll see in the months to come. While walking along the side of my village in hopes of finding a hole I could dig up I found a great group of trees that were just begging to be shaken. I then began a shaking spree; during this I found 12 bags of 100 bells. There was also a catch to this misfortune. I was stung by bees a total of three times my poor face was in shambles the villagers could not stop laughing at me so I tried to hit them with the shovel, but to no avail. While shaking these trees I discovered that there were mosquitoes also who did not like people in their forest, I must have been bitten at least 12 times. As I made my way around the village I saw that some people had thrown away precious items at the dump (Yes I really am that desperate, for the second day none of the villagers had anything for me to do therefore reducing my income dramatically). At the dump I was pleased to find some clothes, and some paper. The clothes were called Bar Shirt but it should have been called puke in stripes shirt. Nothing is going right for me today. For the first time I whipped out my handy, dandy shovel to find some fossils. I found a total of 7 fossils and will probably send them to be cleaned first thing tomorrow, as I was really tired from all the bee stings and mosquito bites. Today I learned a valuable lesson; NEVER shake trees with bees in them. I hope tomorrow is more exciting, maybe I'll get the axe, or the fishing pole, well we'll have to see what Tom brings us. Till tomorrow so long and though shaking trees brings reward, it also brings Revenge... Villagers Currently in Village: Apollo = Eagle Mitzi = Blue faced Cat Tangy = Tangerine colored Cat Bill = Blue Duck Dozer = Blue Bear Velma = Pink Goat Kitty = Purple Cat Current Items: Not enough to list maybe next diary I will post them... These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead & Megadoomer.com, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent. |
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