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Speedster's Diaries

Right when I started the game I saw I had some mail so I opened the mail box. I got a letter from Tom Nook, and three letters from the museum. I got a dinosaur egg, a T-rex tail, and a Pteradon left wing. The letter from Tom Nook said that he was having a special sale with rare items that can not be found easily.

I ran over to the store to see what he had. All I found sadly was another shovel; I passed out and came to about an hour later. He told me that I now owed him 148,000 bells I nearly passed out again but was able to collect myself with the though of how big my house was now.

While I was on my way back to my house I ran into Bill, he asked me to retrieve his game boy from Apollo so I did and got some stationary, can always use that!

The from behind Bill's house appeared Blanca the cat I was so surprised I fell down (really! I did!!). She told me she was visiting and she told me how much she loved my village. I told her to meet all of the o ther villagers for they were all very nice animals.

While walking around I found yet another villager, her name was Anicotti. She was also from Gracian like Bob did.

I went to the dump to see what junk people had thrown away. I found a righty desk which was incredibly ugly so I sold immediately. I also found some starry sky paper which I used to mail some fossils to the museum.

I decided to go for a walk on the beach to calm my nerves. I think Tom didn't want me to catch any type of bugs or fish only so he doesn't have to pay for them. I quietly had a talk with my self on how to get revenge on Nook when I ran into a strange camel named Sahara. It was selling carpets for 3,000 bells and an old rug. I would have loved to have a new carpet but I was flat out broke so I told it sorry and walked away sadly. Just before the end of the beach I saw Velma and she told me how she had painted my roof for no reason at all. She painted it blue so I really didn't care; my house was already blue anyway.

Maybe tomorrow he will have that coveted fishing pole or net in stock. Till then so long...

Current Villagers:

Apollo = Eagle
Mitzi = Blue faced Cat
Tangy = Tangerine colored Cat
Bill = Blue Duck
Dozer = Blue Bear
Velma = Pink Goat
Kitty = Purple Cat
Tango = Blue ant eater
Bob = Purple Cat
Anicotti = Mouse

These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead &, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.

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