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Speedster's Diaries

This morning when I woke up I had a good feeling, nature was going to pay me back for all the heartbreak I'd been subject too so far. I immediately checked my mail and was surprised to see three new letters. The first was from the HRA my score was a respectable 2,986. The second letter was from a person named Rick he told me I should come and visit him in Gracian sometime to see all of his villagers. He also attached a bug catching net for me to catch bugs with, I was overjoyed finally something other than my shovel. The next letter was from the museum I had received a right wing of a pteradon.

I routinely went to Nook's to see what he had in stock for today. Boy was I having a great day already; he had a net and an ax what more could I ask for? I bought an opulent rug and some exotic wallpaper solely for the use of getting it in my catalog.

I then went to the post office to mail a few fossils I had found late yesterday night. Pelly was very happy to see me and had Pete deliver them immediately just for me.

After giving it much thought I decided I would see if the villagers had anything for me to do before going on a bug catching spree.

The first villager I came too was Apollo. He was in his normally depressed mood so I cheered him up by teaching him a new word, Shine get. He seemed pleased so I moved on to the next villager.

Before I was able to reach Mitzi I decided to check the dump for any interesting items. I found my first umbrella, a bumbershoot, and some ivy paper.

Mitzi ended up having nothing for me to do so I went to Anicotti. As I was talking to her she mentioned someone by the name of Redd. Maybe this fellow will be coming to town soon to visit? I certainly hope so, she also warned me not to be fooled by him, I wonder why?

I noticed a hole near her house so I dug it up and found a judge's bell, this must be the prized possession that Bob was telling me he hid in the A sector. I sold it for about 500 bells so at least I made some profit, as it didn't match my house at all.

As I was walking to the beach I was stopped by Bill who had an important errand for me to run, to retrieve his organizer from Bob. I ran over to Bob's house and he apologized for keeping it so long. I gave the organizer back to Bill and he gave me some Stationary of which I had plenty but you can never have enough of it right?

I then saw a bug on a tree, seeing that bug reminded me of Velma for she has been pestering me about how her boyfriend collects bugs and to get her one so she doesn't have to catch it herself. The bug turned out to be a robust cicidia. On my way to Velma's I ran into a yellow tent stationed right next to a hill. I curiously went inside only to be greeted by a big blue bird that kept complaining about how boring camping was, so I left and went to Velma's.

Velma was so happy that I got her a bug she gave me an Old Green Desk. I didn't even want to look at it so I sold it right away.

As Kitty lives right next to Velma I decided to check if she needed anything in particular. As it turns out she did, she wanted for me to get her picture book back from Tangy. The luck I am having today is incredible, Tangy was visiting right behind her house so a few short steps away I had retrieved the picture book. In return for the picture book Kitty gave me more paper, I was disgusted all that work to retrieve the book and all I got was some paper. I quickly got over it and went on a bug catching spree.

I ran all over the forest and found many bugs. I caught 5 cockroaches, 2 large brown cicadas, 3 grasshoppers, and 4 darner dragonflies. I ran over to Nook and was excited to find out that the cockroaches sold for 5 bells.

While running around the forest I noticed yet another new house. The resident's name was Goldie, a cream colored dog. I properly introduced myself and welcomed her to Shoeland. She seemed to like all of the people and how many tree's there were. All of the trees annoy me but if she like's them then I guess I'll spare them.

I decided to call it a day, maybe tomorrow I will go visit my friend in Gracian and see what the village looks like, till then So long...

Current villagers:

Apollo = Eagle
Mitzi = Blue faced Cat
Tangy = Tangerine colored Cat
Bill = Blue Duck
Dozer = Blue Bear
Velma = Pink Goat
Kitty = Purple Cat
Tango = Blue ant eater
Bob = Purple Cat
Anicotti = Mouse
Goldie = Cream Dog

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