Speedster's Diaries
It has been a long time since I last played this game so much has happened in
the village. When I arrived in my village I first checked my mail. I had a ton
of letters from the museum and Tom Nook. I received 2 ammonite fossils, a T-rex
torso, a stegosaurus torso, and a trilobite.
Next I went to check on the villagers to see if they had anything urgent for me
to do.
They did, first Apollo wanted me to give Bob's organizer back to him because he
had borrowed it for too long. In return for getting his organizer Bob gave me a
ranch couch.
Anicotti wanted me to give Apollo's picture book back to him. He gave me some
stationary in return for giving it back to him.
Mitzi also wanted her picture book back from Velma. When I got it back for her
all she gave me was some more lousy stationary.
While walking around in the village I ran into a tent with the sign Black Market
in front of it. I walked in only to find the famed Redd waiting to offer me his
amazing deals. He first tried to sell me a regal vanity for $12,000!!! I gave
him a second chance to sell me something by offering to buy a kiddie bed only to
find out it was a measly $8,000!!! I ran out of there as fast as I could
fearing that I would be scarred into never trusting a salesman again (wait that
already happened in real life...) I ran to Nook's shop hoping that he would have
some reasonable deals for me like he always does. I bought a cream sofa, cabana
wallpaper, and a cowhide rug for half the price of only the kiddie bed that Redd
was offering.
I felt it was time for an adventure. I would head out to Gracian to meet new
people and see how Nook's store was coming in my friend’s village. Right
before I boarded the train I noticed a new house near Nooks shop. A mechanical
green bird had moved in. She seemed very nice; I would have to get to know her
better in the months to come.
When I hopped on the train to Gracian I met Rover who was over joyed to see me.
He asked if I was moving again and I told him no so we both shared a laugh for
no reason.
When the train stopped at the station I was eager to see what was different in
his village.
I first went to see how his house was coming along. His house was huge it was
8 by 8 squares long with ranch themed furniture and huge rare fish littering
the floor of his house.
Upset that I had not gotten as far in to developing my house as he had I went
to Tom Nook for some comforting.
I was shocked when I saw that his store was fully upgraded to a store named
Nookway. When I walked in I was even more amazed. He was selling so much
furniture, paint for my roof, paper, clothes, and some umbrellas. I was so
jealous, I wanted to buy everything just so my friend would have nothing to buy
for his house but he had already done that.
Having nothing else to do I went to introduce myself to the villagers in
Gracian. There were not as many as in my village but there were quite a few.
I first met Sally, a friendly chipmunk with pink cheeks. Then Tabby who was an
ugly cat with a shirt that had a dead fish on it. Next I met Tad who
surprisingly was a frog, and Cupcake a nice pink bear. I also met Piper a
white duck and Astrid a starry Kangaroo. I ran across Liz a pink alligator and
to round out the group another dark green frog named Huck.
After meeting all of the villagers I was pooped I decided to call it a night
right there, but first I would have to get back to my village to sleep.
Tomorrow I will probably go on a nice relaxing fishing trip to calm my nerves
so until then so long...
Current Villagers:
Apollo = Eagle
Mitzi = Blue faced Cat
Tangy = Tangerine colored Cat
Bill = Blue Duck
Dozer = Blue Bear
Velma = Pink Goat
Kitty = Purple Cat
Tango = Blue ant eater
Bob = Purple Cat
Anicotti = Mouse
Goldie = Cream Dog
Sprocket = Mechanical green Bird
These diaries are the property of Animal Crossing Ahead & Megadoomer.com, you may not use any portion of these Diaries without express consent.
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