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Wilikai's Diaries

Day 1

Today I moved into my new village.

First thing after I got off of the train, a crazy raccoon named Tom Nook pressured me into buying a house. I tried to leave, but he yelled at me, forcing me to purchase one of his shacks. I chose the nicest looking one, and he informed me that I was now his slave for life.

To begin my enslavement, Tom Nook gave me an ugly grey uniform with a white leaf on it. I put it on and began planting flowers and trees outside of his store. He then demanded that I meet everybody in town.

Walking out of the store, I changed back into my original clothes, yellow with a large black paw. It was at this point I noticed that my character has red eyes that always look to the left. Why I got stuck with the A.D.D. child of Satan is beyond me.

Walking around town, nobody else seemed to notice me evilly staring to the left as I talked to them. I met a cat named Mitzi (me-WOW!), a bird with a deep voice named Admiral (aye aye!), a gator named Alfonso (it's a me!), and various other characters.

That's when it happened. I entered a square of the map I had noticed marked as "Monique". Before me stood the absolute hottest cat I had ever seen in my entire life. We talked, she flirted with me a bit... It's good to live in my village. I vowed to send her a love letter later that evening.

As I walked into Tom Nook's store for another task, he completely flipped out because I wasn't wearing my uniform. I had to sit there and listen to him lecture on and on about society's standards and rules. Finally, he agreed to let me wear whatever I wanted, as long as it didn't disturb the customers.

My next task was to write a letter to Monique advertising the store. I took the chance to offer a little more than discount prices, if you know what I mean. On the way to the post office, I stopped and shook some trees. They yielded a bag of bell, some cherries, and a sprinkler. I tried putting the sprinkler in my house, but it really didn't look very good. I made a note to sell it once I finished Tom Nook's tasks.

My next task was to deliver a carpet to Mitzi the cat. (I have an abnormal number of cats in my town, it seems.) I did so, and she gave me hers in return. I tried it in my house, but it turned out to be a cowskin rug. Ewww. Another thing to sell to Tom Nook.

After accomplishing a couple more tasks, Tom Nook set me free. I sold everything I didn't want to him, netting about 5,000 bell. I then bought a shovel and found the golden spot on the ground. A second later I was looking at a bag of 1,000 bell! I considered planting it again, but was too afraid that somebody else in my village would harvest the tree before I could.

I went around shaking more trees, only to get stung by bees. Things got better, though, when I found two new (but still ugly) shirts at the lost and found, along with a watermelon table! Sure, it's ugly, but i need something to decorate my shack. Maybe I'll invite Monique over later.

::Sigh::, only 17,400 bell to go...

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