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Wilikai's Diaries


Alfonso's favorite phrase is "it's a me". He is a little on the slow side, but admits it. Sometimes he even forgets his own name! Alfonso has the coolest house by far; it's full of Japanese furniture, plants, and dancing statues. Even the music is very Japanese.

Monique's favorite phrase is "pffffft". As you can tell, her beauty is balanced out by a snotty, mean attitude. Nothing is good enough for Monique, especially YOU. She likes to talk about her boyfriend a lot. She likes pink stuff, so her house looks like she lives in the Barbie aisle at Toys R Us.

Tabby's favorite phrase is "me-WOW". Despite her evil appearance, she is one of the nicest characters in the village. She likes talking about "hunk-a-liscious" boys. Tabby's house is all decked out with tiger stuff. If it has stripes, it's in her house.

Admiral's favorite phrase is "aye aye". He is one of the stricter animals in the village, and has called me a dweeb from time to time. Admirals house is truly the weirdest, consisting of a toy train, a slide, two TVs that show nothing but fuzz, two sets of armor, a globe, a weight bench, and three hazard barrels. Guess 'Nam finally cracked him.

Mitzi's favorite phrase is "mew". She is very kind, but easily scared. Much like Alfonso, she has a low self-esteem. Mitzi's house is very quaint, with a simple bed, dresser and plant.

Hambo's favorite phrase is "yo". He also likes words like "mad", "wicked", "totally", and "dude". He likes sports and catching bugs. His house has Japanese floors and walls, but normal furniture. Also, he has a giant heater right in the middle of the room. Why he has that in August is beyond me...

I woke up this morning excited to see what Tom Nook had in stock. The only really interesting thing was a net, so I bought that for 500 bell. He also had a shirt that he advertised as "the ugly shirt". No wonder business hasn't been so good lately. I sold a bunch of seashells I had collected the night before, and realized I had enough to pay off my loan. I did so, and got to choose the color of my roof. I chose white.

I was eager to check my mail, because I had sent gifts to everyone in the village the night before. I got letters back saying "What are you talking about?", or "Why did you send this to me", or "Quit using those big words, proffessor!" I guess the animals don't take kindly to kindness.

My crush on Monique has faded, largely due to the fact that she's a spoiled little brat. Meanwhile, I've become good friends with Hambo, who is sorry that a bee made me look "wicked haggard."

I've caught a lot of bugs and donated to the museum, which Blathers seems to be happy about. Also, I visited the mayor at the wishing well. He gave me a lecture on Founder's Day (it celebrates the founders of my village), then gave me a model. Eager to see which one it is (I want to build the whole town), I put it down in my room, only to find out it was a weed model. I quickly sold it to Tom Nook, vowing to buy it back when I'm building the full model.

I checked the message board in the middle of the user houses, and found out that Alfonso had buried a chess piece somewhere in the 2 column. I finally found it, and unearthed a black king. I sold it to Tom Nook for 5,600 Bell!

I have two other friends living in my village, which is fun. We leave each other buried treasure and clues on how to find it. The only trouble is, all of my animals are complaining that I'm not as good of a letter writer as Phoenix is, or I can't catch bugs nearly as well as Dyne. That's starting to get on my nerves a bit. I did catch Blathers telling my friend that he was "no Wilikai", which made me smile.

Not much else happened today, just a lot of errands. I'm currently wearing a one-up texture from the mario games, created by Jon Leung. I'm trying to make my own textures, but it's not working out so well. Thanks for reading! Feel free to PM me with any questions.

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