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Vort's Diaries

Diary Day 3

Day 2 Continued.

After working on my journal entries until the evening, I hurried off to see what more social interactions I could observe from the villagers.

To my great surprise, a Female Wolf named Freya had moved into the village. I instantly started a conversation with the newest member of Hiveland.

Unfortunately, it seems that Freya has the same social disorder that Oliva struggles with. Not only does she need to be the center of attention, but a queen socialite as well.

Then it struck me...a Cat and Wolf in the same village competing for the same social standing.... this should get interesting.

I then ran several jobs for the villagers and was well compensated. One thing seemed to disturb me though.

The villagers seemed to have "theme" houses. Eggbert's theme (to no surprise considering his withdrawal syndrome) was based around space and rocket ships. I theorize that this is to compensate for his lack of social interaction. He keeps to himself and therefore wants his environment to open and free....unlike his real life. Poor Eggbert.

So, I have decided to work on my own "theme" to better fit into this social environment. But, all the items I had collected so far do not fit my tastes. So I currently search for a "decor", if you will, of my very own.

Regardless, the villagers awarded me with many "presents". I believe that they give so freely to express what their inner child is really feeling.

The gifts I have kept so far include: Toy Couch and Table, Bonsai Tree, several different styles of clothing, a Tiki torch and a plant.

Nothing to which I am terribly attached, but nice just the same.

I then decided to stay up late and see if my house remodeling would be finished. Sure enough, after midnight, my house was remodeled. Well, larger would be a more accurate statement. I cringe at the thought of what Nook will charge me for this service.

Day 3

Waking up early, I instantly set out to interact with my fellow villagers.

Surprisingly, a number of villagers have decided to move away soon. I believe that I have convinced Oliva and Rocco to stay, but Hank and Poor Eggbert seem insistent upon greener pastures. As if by changing their environment would instantly solve their behavioral and emotional problems. I will continue to talk to the two and try to convince them otherwise.

Perhaps this sudden "migratory" mood has been brought on by a predator (Freya) moving into Hiveland. I will have to monitor this situation more closely.

Finally, Nook opened his shop and I sold him many differing specimens of insect. Of course, being the scientist that I am, I donated the first of every insect species I had caught to the museum. But the remainder I have sold to Nook. What the old raccoon intends to do with these lower life forms is beyond me, and he seemed very hesitant to answer any questions on the subject.

Nook also informed me of the cost for his "remodeling". A staggering 148,000 bells!! I hope to reach the college soon so they can help me with my growing expenses.

I then inquired if Nook would purchase me a fishing pole. He gave varying responses such as "Out of stock", "Just sold the last one" and "It's a bit runnier than you like it sir". I am not sure what his real reasoning for not selling me this equipment might be, but I didn't want to antagonize him any further.

So, I quickly paid off a bit of my debt at the post office, and settled down to think more on my house "theme" and my journal entries.

Who knows what tonight might bring?

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