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Diary 1

Day 1: September 17th 3:15Pm

Dear Diary,
I met the strangest guy on the train today, I think he said his name was Rover. He asked me all sorts of funny questions in this weird tone of voice. Boy was he nosy! I can't even remember half of what went on. I was just as glad once I got to Marakesh so I could get off the train and away from him. Then his friend Tom Nook pops up out of nowhere and says that he has a house for me. I went with him a bit sceptically and he showed me four houses. I chose one with a green roof that had a charcoal tile floor and concrete walls. He was nice enough to give me a tape deck as well. I can't wait until I find something to play on it. I only had a 1000 bells to give him as a down payment but he said I can pay some of it off by working in his shop.

I followed Tom Nook to his shop where he gave me a uniform to change into. It just isn't my colour but he told me I have to wear it while I am working for him. He gave me several packages of flower seeds and some saplings to plant around his store. Once I was finished he immediately demanded that I meet all the townspeople. I got hopelessly lost and stranded a couple of times, fortunately there were some maps posted on signs around the town. I finally made it back only to be told I had to deliver a package to Purrl for him. I rushed off to do that and to my surprise Purrl rewarded me with a Kiddie Dresser. Being as I have nothing better to put my stuff in I put it up against one wall in my house and reported back to Tom. He told me I had done an okay job so far and took 230 bells off my debt. He wasn't ready yet so he told me to come back later.

After wandering aimlessly for a while I went back to see what else Tom had for me to do. He told me to write a letter to Bones regarding a sale he was having and mail it at the post office. I dutifully composed a letter and sent it off. When I got back to Tom he told me to quit delaying and he would only give me 130 bells because I was slow. I thought he must be almost done with me but he was far from done! I ended up delivering a carpet to hector, which worked out since he gave me his old Lovely Carpet. I looked at it in my house and decided not to keep it. I received 580 bells from Tom and was given an axe to deliver. I would have loved to run off with it but Tom explained that the stuff I have on errands is wrapped and can't be used. Oh well too bad. I got 580 bells and a case of axe envy for my trouble. At last Tom asked me to post a message on the board, I would have loved to post something mean, but Tom explained it was permanent so I didn't want to jeopardise my chances. At last Tom discharged me and I promptly changed back into my optical shirt.

I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself so I went to the lost and found. I claimed a diamond shirt, eight-ball shirt, and a mochi pestle. None of the stuff was that good so I sold it to Tom. I managed to scrounge some shells from the beach and made 860 bells off of them. I bought some simple paper and some inky paper with my new cash. On my way back to my house I dug up 1000 bells from a shiny spot!

I saw Gulliver at the beach while I was looking for more shells. He gave me Lady Liberty which I sold for the cash. I ran around shaking trees and collecting bags of 100 bells until I found some bees... Needless to say my face was a mess after that. I took some clothes from Purrl to Bones for an ugly caveman shirt. Bones wanted me in turn to take an organiser to Purrl and she gave me a sunset shirt. I think this is a subtle hint that I need fashion help. I returned Bones's Comic book and got a modern screen. Hector wanted a watch returned and after looking for the recipient for a while all I got was a yellow bar shirt. The highlight of my hideously tacky gifts was perhaps the rainbow paper I received from Chow. I decided to take a break from my hectic life for a while.

When I returned I had a letter from Nintendo! In it was K.K Love Song, Balloon Fight, and Clu Clu Land. I set up the nes games on the floor side by side and put K.K's song in the kiddie dresser. I decided I better start making some payments on my house and I reduced my deficit to a mere 13,400 bells.

Chow - Bear
Bones - Dog
Goldie - Dog
Purrl - Cat
Hector - Chicken
Twiggy - Bird

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