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Diary 2

Day 2: September 18 5:20PM

Dear Diary,
Once Again I awoke to my cosy little home...who am I kidding it's a small hole-in-the wall dump that I still owe a lot of money on. I checked the mail on my way out and spied two letters. It seems the farway museum has heard of the fossils I was able to dig up and wants me to send them in for analysis. Well that can wait for now. The second letter was from Tom advertising how great his shop was; Therefore, I rushed over to Tom's shop to see what necessities of life he had for me. Score a net! Now I can catch those annoying bugs that seem to like to hop around. Tom had a second shovel too so I bought it on an impulse, who knows when I might need it. Tom also asked me if I would be kind enough to join the happy room academy. I don't know why they would want to rate a dump like mine but I said okay just to be polite.

I addressed and mailed all the fossils I had found yesterday and proceeded to dig up more. The poor mailman had to make 3 trips. Despite my kind notes to all the villagers yesterday I only got 3 confused notes back. I met Chow and he accused me of not caring enough to write to him, even though I had yesterday! I sent him a second letter and on the way back from the post office I spotted a glittery area of ground. Whipping out my trusty shovel I dug up 1000 bells. On an impulse I buried the second shovel I had found and a gold sapling sprang up! I wonder what it does... I had run out of paper so I bought some more at Tom's Shop and decided to see what was in the dump. I quickly claimed everything in sight, being as I was hard up for belongings. I found an ugly sherbet gingham shirt and some maple leaf paper. I ran to the lost and found to see what else I could get for free. The lost and found yielded a retro stereo. It was a little big for my house but I stored my K.K Love song in it and sold my tape deck.

I went on a spree and made several thousand from shaking trees, of course I also got stung multiple times and will be doomed to a puffy face for some time now. I did however, find a classic sofa. Once again my tiny pad is no place for decoration so I sold it to Tom. No one seemed to have much for me to do but I met a new villager named Pango. He was pretty nice and told me he might have something for me later.

I ran off with my bug net and managed to catch a red dragonfly, a pine cricket, a cricket, a long headed cricket, and a bell cricket. I donated one of each to the local museum which is sadly lacking exhibits and sold the rest to Tom.

Upon returning to Pango's he asked for me to get his video tape back and I did in exchange for some wavy pink clothes. I guess I really should change my clothes one day but it wasn't to my liking. The only other person who had something for me to do was Bones I returned his comic book and received a train set.

My last stop was the post office to pay down my debt, only 4,400 to go before I own a great.

Pango (New!)

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